Source code for pyobs.comm.comm

from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import inspect
import logging
from collections import Coroutine
from typing import Any, Union, Type, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Callable, TypeVar, overload, List

import pyobs.interfaces
from import Event, LogEvent, ModuleClosedEvent
from pyobs.interfaces import Interface
from pyobs.utils.parallel import Future
from .proxy import Proxy
from .commlogging import CommLoggingHandler

    from pyobs.modules import Module

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ProxyType = TypeVar("ProxyType")

class Comm:
    """Base class for all Comm modules in pyobs."""

    __module__ = "pyobs.comm"

    def __init__(self, cache_proxies: bool = True):
        """Creates a comm module."""
        from pyobs.modules import Module

        self._proxies: Dict[str, Proxy] = {}
        self._module: Optional[Module] = None
        self._log_queue: asyncio.Queue[LogEvent] = asyncio.Queue()
        self._cache_proxies = cache_proxies

        # add handler to global logger
        handler = CommLoggingHandler(self)

    def module(self) -> Optional[Module]:
        """The module that this Comm object is attached to."""
        return self._module

    def module(self, module: Module) -> None:
        """The module that this Comm object is attached to."""
        # if we have a _set_module method, call it

        # store module
        self._module = module

    def _set_module(self, module: Module) -> None:

[docs] async def open(self) -> None: """Open module.""" # some events await self.register_event(ModuleClosedEvent, self._client_disconnected)
def _get_full_client_name(self, name: str) -> str: """Returns full name for given client. Some Comm modules may use short names for their clients. This methods returns the full name for a given short name. Args: name: Short name to get full name for. Returns: Full name for given client. """ # this base class doesn't have short names return name async def _get_client(self, client: str) -> Optional[Union[Module, Proxy]]: """Get a proxy to the given client. Args: client: Name of client. Returns: Proxy class for given client. """ # return module, if "main" is requested if client == "main": return self.module if client is None: return None # if client doesn't exist or we disabled caching, fetch a new proxy if client not in self._proxies or not self._cache_proxies: # get interfaces try: interfaces = await self.get_interfaces(client) except IndexError: return None # create new proxy proxy = Proxy(self, client, interfaces) self._proxies[client] = proxy # return proxy return self._proxies[client] @overload async def proxy(self, name_or_object: Union[str, object], obj_type: Type[ProxyType]) -> ProxyType: ... @overload async def proxy(self, name_or_object: Union[str, object], obj_type: Optional[Type[ProxyType]] = None) -> Any: ...
[docs] async def proxy( self, name_or_object: Union[str, object], obj_type: Optional[Type[ProxyType]] = None ) -> Union[Any, ProxyType]: """Returns object directly if it is of given type. Otherwise get proxy of client with given name and check type. If name_or_object is an object: - If it is of type (or derived), return object. - Otherwise raise exception. If name_name_or_object is string: - Create proxy from name and raise exception, if it doesn't exist. - Check type and raise exception if wrong. - Return object. Args: name_or_object: Name of object or object itself. obj_type: Expected class of object. Returns: Object or proxy to object. Raises: ValueError: If proxy does not exist or wrong type. """ if obj_type is not None and isinstance(name_or_object, obj_type): # return directly return name_or_object elif isinstance(name_or_object, str): # get proxy try: proxy = await self._get_client(name_or_object) except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Could not get proxy for {name_or_object}.") # check it if proxy is None: raise ValueError('Could not create proxy for given name "%s".' % name_or_object) elif obj_type is None or isinstance(proxy, obj_type): return proxy else: raise ValueError( 'Proxy obtained from given name "%s" is not of requested type "%s".' % (name_or_object, obj_type) ) else: # completely wrong... raise ValueError('Given parameter is neither a name nor an object of requested type "%s".' % obj_type)
[docs] async def safe_proxy( self, name_or_object: Union[str, object], obj_type: Optional[Type[ProxyType]] = None ) -> Optional[Union[Any, ProxyType]]: """Calls proxy() in a safe way and returns None instead of raising an exception.""" try: return await self.proxy(name_or_object, obj_type) except ValueError: return None
async def _client_disconnected(self, event: Event, sender: str) -> bool: """Called when a client disconnects. Args: event: Disconnect event. sender: Name of client that disconnected. """ # if a client disconnects, we remove its proxy if sender in self._proxies: del self._proxies[sender] return True @property def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Name of this client.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def clients(self) -> List[str]: """Returns list of currently connected clients. Returns: (list) List of currently connected clients. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def clients_with_interface(self, interface: Type[Interface]) -> List[str]: """Returns list of currently connected clients that implement the given interface. Args: interface: Interface to search for. Returns: (list) List of currently connected clients that implement the given interface. """ return [c for c in self.clients if await self._supports_interface(c, interface)]
[docs] async def get_interfaces(self, client: str) -> List[Type[Interface]]: """Returns list of interfaces for given client. Args: client: Name of client. Returns: List of supported interfaces. Raises: IndexError: If client cannot be found. """ raise NotImplementedError
async def _supports_interface(self, client: str, interface: Type[Interface]) -> bool: """Checks, whether the given client supports the given interface. Args: client: Client to check. interface: Interface to check. Returns: Whether or not interface is supported. """ raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _interface_names_to_classes(interfaces: List[str]) -> List[Type[Interface]]: """Converts a list of interface names to interface classes. Args: interfaces: List of interface names. Returns: List of interface classes. """ # get interface classes inspection = inspect.getmembers(pyobs.interfaces, predicate=inspect.isclass) # loop interfaces interface_classes = [] for interface_name in interfaces: # loop all classes found = False for cls_name, cls in inspection: # class needs to face same name and implement Interface if interface_name == cls_name and issubclass(cls, Interface): # found it! found = True # then add it to the list of all interfaces interface_classes.append(cls) # there can only be one... break # not found? if not found: log.error('Could not find interface "%s" for client.', interface_name) return interface_classes
[docs] async def execute(self, client: str, method: str, signature: inspect.Signature, *args: Any) -> Future: """Execute a given method on a remote client. Args: client (str): ID of client. method (str): Method to call. signature: Method signature. *args: List of parameters for given method. Returns: Passes through return from method call. """ raise NotImplementedError
async def _logging(self) -> None: """Background thread for handling the logging.""" # run until closing while True: # get item (maybe wait for it) and send it entry = await self._log_queue.get() await self.send_event(entry)
[docs] def log_message(self, entry: LogEvent) -> None: """Send a log message to other clients. Args: entry (LogEvent): Log event to send. """ self._log_queue.put_nowait(entry)
[docs] async def send_event(self, event: Event) -> None: """Send an event to other clients. Args: event (Event): Event to send """ pass
[docs] async def register_event( self, event_class: Type[Event], handler: Optional[Callable[[Event, str], Coroutine[Any, Any, bool]]] = None ) -> None: """Register an event type. If a handler is given, we also receive those events, otherwise we just send them. Args: event_class: Class of event to register. handler: Event handler method. """ pass
__all__ = ["Comm"]