Source code for pyobs.modules.focus.focusmodel

import asyncio
import logging
from typing import Optional, Any, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING, cast
from py_expression_eval import Parser
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

    import lmfit

from pyobs.interfaces import IFocuser, IFilters, IWeather, ITemperatures
from pyobs.modules import Module
from pyobs.modules import timeout
from pyobs.interfaces import IFocusModel
from import FocusFoundEvent, FilterChangedEvent, Event
from pyobs.utils.enums import WeatherSensors
from pyobs.utils.publisher import CsvPublisher
from pyobs.utils.time import Time

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class FocusModel(Module, IFocusModel):
    """A focus model that is automatically applied to an IFocuser.

    If, e.g., the model is defined as:

        model: -0.043807*T1 - 0.031798*T2 + 0.062042*temp + 41.694895

    Then "temp" is taken from the weather module automatically. The other temperatures must be defined, e.g., as:

                module: telescope
                sensor: T1
                module: telescope
                sensor: T2

    In this case, the method get_temperatures() is called on the module "telescope" and the values T1 and T2 are
    taken for the model.

    Alternatively, the coefficients can be defined as symbols:

        model: a*T1 + b*T2 + c*temp + d

    For this to work, initial values must be specified separately:

            a: -0.043807
            b: -0.031798
            c: 0.062042
            d: 41.694895

    Only this way it is possible to automatically re-calculate the model.

    __module__ = "pyobs.modules.focus"

    def __init__(
        focuser: Optional[str] = None,
        weather: Optional[str] = None,
        interval: int = 300,
        temperatures: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] = None,
        model: Optional[str] = None,
        coefficients: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
        update: bool = False,
        log_file: Optional[str] = None,
        min_measurements: int = 10,
        enabled: bool = True,
        temp_sensor: str = "average.temp",
        default_filter: Optional[str] = None,
        filter_offsets: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
        filter_wheel: Optional[str] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
        """Initialize a focus model.

            focuser: Name of focuser.
            weather: Name of weather station.
            interval: Interval for setting focus or None, if no regular setting of focus is required.
            model: Focus model to use.
            coefficients: Coefficients in model, mainly used when updating it.
            update: Whether to update the model on new focus values.
            log_file: Path to file containing all focus measurements.
            min_measurements: Minimum number of measurements to update model.
            enabled: If False, no focus is set.
            temp_sensor: Name of sensor at weather station to provide ambient temperature.
            default_filter: Name of default filter. If None, filters are ignored.
            filter_offsets: Offsets for different filters. If None, they are not modeled.
            filter_wheel: Name of filter wheel module to use for fetching filter before setting focus.
        Module.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        # check import
        import lmfit"Found lmfit {lmfit.__version__}.")

        # add thread func
        if interval is not None and interval > 0:

        # store
        self._focuser = focuser
        self._weather = weather
        self._interval = interval
        self._temperatures: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] = {} if temperatures is None else temperatures
        self._focuser_ready = True
        self._coefficients = {} if coefficients is None else coefficients
        self._update_model = update
        self._min_measurements = min_measurements
        self._enabled = enabled
        self._temp_station, sensor = temp_sensor.split(".")
        self._temp_sensor = WeatherSensors(sensor)
        self._default_filter = default_filter
        self._filter_offsets = filter_offsets
        self._filter_wheel = filter_wheel"Going to fetch temperature from sensor %s at station %s.", self._temp_sensor, self._temp_station)

        # model
        parser = Parser()"Parsing model: %s", model)
        self._model = parser.parse(model)

        # coefficients
        if self._coefficients is not None and len(self._coefficients) > 0:
  "Found coefficients: %s", ", ".join(["%s=%.3f" % (k, v) for k, v in self._coefficients.items()]))

        # variables
        variables = self._model.variables()
        for c in self._coefficients.keys():
            variables.remove(c)"Found variables: %s", ", ".join(variables))

        # init log file
        self._publisher = None if log_file is None else CsvPublisher(log_file)

        # update model now

[docs] async def open(self) -> None: """Open module.""" await # subscribe to events await self.comm.register_event(FocusFoundEvent, self._on_focus_found) if self._filter_offsets is not None and self._filter_wheel is not None: await self.comm.register_event(FilterChangedEvent, self._on_filter_changed)
async def _update(self) -> None: # wait a little await asyncio.sleep(1) # run until closed while True: # if not enabled, just sleep a little if not self._enabled: await asyncio.sleep(1) continue # get focuser try: focuser = await self.proxy(self._focuser, IFocuser) except ValueError: log.warning("Could not connect to focuser.") await asyncio.sleep(10) continue # is focuser ready? status = await focuser.is_ready() if status is False: # log if self._focuser_ready:"Focuser not ready, waiting for it...") self._focuser_ready = False # sleep a little and continue await asyncio.sleep(10) continue # came from not ready state? if not self._focuser_ready:"Focuser ready now, starting focus tracking...") self._focuser_ready = True # now set focus try: # set optimal focus await self.set_optimal_focus() except ValueError: # something went wrong, wait a little and continue await asyncio.sleep(10) continue # sleep interval"Going to sleep for %d seconds...", self._interval) await asyncio.sleep(self._interval) async def _get_optimal_focus(self, filter_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> float: """Returns the optimal focus. Args: filter_name: If given, use this filter name instead of fetching one. Returns: Optimum focus calculated from model. Raises: ValueError: If anything went wrong. """ # get values for variables values = await self._get_values() # evaluate model"Evaluating model...") focus = self._model.evaluate({**values, **self._coefficients}) # focus offset? if self._filter_offsets is not None and self._filter_wheel is not None: try: # need a filter name? if filter_name is None: # get proxy wheel = await self.proxy(self._filter_wheel, IFilters) # get filter filter_name = await wheel.get_filter() # add offset offset = self._filter_offsets[filter_name]"Adding filter offset of %.2f for filter %s...", offset, filter_name) focus += offset except (ValueError, KeyError): log.error("Could not determine filter offset.") # set focus"Found optimal focus of %.4f.", focus) return float(focus)
[docs] async def get_optimal_focus(self, **kwargs: Any) -> float: """Returns the optimal focus. Returns: Optimum focus calculated from model. Raises: ValueError: If anything went wrong. """ return await self._get_optimal_focus()
async def _get_values(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Retrieve all required values for the model. Returns: Dictionary containing all values required by the model. """ # variables for model evaluation variables = {} # do we need a weather proxy? if "temp" in self._model.variables():"Fetching temperature from weather module...") # get weather proxy try: weather = await self.proxy(self._weather, IWeather) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Could not connect to weather module.") # get value time, val = await weather.get_sensor_value(self._temp_station, self._temp_sensor) if val is None: raise ValueError("Received invalid temperature from weather station.") # get temperature variables["temp"] = val"Got temperature of %.2f.", variables["temp"]) # loop other temperatures module_temps = {} for var, cfg in self._temperatures.items(): # need to fetch temperatures from module? if cfg["module"] not in module_temps:"Fetching temperatures from module %s...", cfg["module"]) # get proxy proxy = await self.proxy(cfg["module"], ITemperatures) # get temperatures module_temps[cfg["module"]] = await proxy.get_temperatures() # log vals = ", ".join(["%s=%.2f" % (k, v) for k, v in module_temps[cfg["module"]].items()])"Received temperatures: %s", vals) # store, what we need if cfg["sensor"] not in module_temps[cfg["module"]]: raise ValueError( "Temperature for sensor %s not in data from module %s." % (cfg["sensor"], cfg["module"]) ) variables[var] = module_temps[cfg["module"]][cfg["sensor"]] # log vals = ", ".join(["%s=%.2f" % (k, v) for k, v in variables.items()])"Found values for model: %s", vals) return variables async def _set_optimal_focus(self, filter_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Sets optimal focus. Args: filter_name: Name of filter to use. Raises: ValueError: If anything went wrong. """ # get focuser focuser = await self.proxy(self._focuser, IFocuser) # get focus focus = await self._get_optimal_focus(filter_name=filter_name) # set it"Setting optimal focus...") await focuser.set_focus(focus)"Done.")
[docs] @timeout(60) async def set_optimal_focus(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Sets optimal focus. Raises: ValueError: If anything went wrong. """ await self._set_optimal_focus()
async def _on_focus_found(self, event: Event, sender: str) -> bool: """Receive FocusFoundEvent. Args: event: The event itself sender: The name of the sender. """ if not isinstance(event, FocusFoundEvent): raise ValueError("Not a focus event.")"Received new focus of %.4f +- %.4f.", event.focus, event.error) # collect values for model values = await self._get_values() # add focus and datetime values["focus"] = event.focus values["error"] = event.error values["datetime"] = values["filter"] = event.filter_name # write log if self._publisher is not None: await self._publisher(**values) # finally, calculate new model"Re-calculating model...") await self._calc_focus_model() # finished"Done.") return True async def _calc_focus_model(self) -> None: """Calculate new focus model from saved entries.""" import lmfit # no coefficients? no model... if not self._coefficients or self._publisher is None: return # only take clear filter images for now data = await # enough measurements? if len(data) < self._min_measurements: log.warning( "Not enough measurements found for re-calculating model (%d<%d).", len(data), self._min_measurements ) return # build parameters params = lmfit.Parameters() for c in self._coefficients.keys(): params.add(c, 0.0) # if we want to fit filter offsets, add them to params if self._filter_offsets is not None: # get unique list of filters and add them for f in data["filter"].unique(): params.add("off_" + f, 0.0) # fit"Fitting coefficients...") out = lmfit.minimize(self._residuals, params, args=(data,)) if not hasattr(out, "params"): raise ValueError("No params returned from fit.") out_params = getattr(out, "params") # print results"Found best coefficients:") for p in out_params: if not p.startswith("off_"): if out_params[p].stderr is not None:" %-5s = %10.5f +- %8.5f", p, out_params[p].value, out_params[p].stderr) else:" %-5s = %10.5f", p, out_params[p].value) if self._filter_offsets is not None:"Found filter offsets:") for p in out_params: if p.startswith("off_"): if out_params[p].stderr is not None:" %-10s = %10.5f +- %8.5f", p[4:], out_params[p].value, out_params[p].stderr) else:" %-10s = %10.5f", p[4:], out_params[p].value) rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(out.residual ** 2))"Reduced chi squared: %.3f, RMS: %.3f", out.redchi, rms) # store new coefficients and filter offsets if self._update_model: # just copy all? d = dict(out_params.valuesdict()) if self._filter_offsets is None: self._coefficients = d else: # need to separate self._coefficients = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if not k.startswith("off_")} self._filter_offsets = {k[4:]: v for k, v in d.items() if k.startswith("off_")} def _residuals(self, x: "lmfit.Parameters", data: pd.DataFrame) -> npt.NDArray[float]: """Fit method for model Args: x: Paramaters to evaluate. data: Full data set. Returns: """ # calc model focus, model, error = [], [], [] for _, row in data.iterrows(): # how do we fit? if self._default_filter is None: # just fit it mod = self._model.evaluate({**x.valuesdict(), **row}) else: # do we want to fit filter offsets? if self._filter_offsets: # evaluate and add offset mod = self._model.evaluate({**x.valuesdict(), **row}) if row["filter"] != self._default_filter: mod += x["off_" + row["filter"]] else: # no filter offsets, so ignore this row if, if wrong filter if row["filter"] == self._default_filter: mod = self._model.evaluate({**x.valuesdict(), **row}) else: continue # add it model.append(mod) focus.append(row["focus"]) error.append(row["error"]) # return residuals return cast(npt.NDArray[float], (np.array(focus) - np.array(model)) / np.array(error)) async def _on_filter_changed(self, event: Event, sender: str) -> bool: """Receive FilterChangedEvent and set focus. Args: event: The event itself sender: The name of the sender. """ # wrong sender? if sender != self._filter_wheel or not isinstance(event, FilterChangedEvent): return False # log and change try:"Detected filter change to %s, adjusting focus...", event.filter) await self._set_optimal_focus(event.filter) return True except ValueError: log.error("Could not set focus.") return False __all__ = ["FocusModel"]