Source code for

import asyncio
import datetime
import logging
import warnings
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Dict, Any, NamedTuple, List
import numpy as np
from import fits
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from pyobs.mixins.fitsheader import ImageFitsHeaderMixin
from pyobs.utils.enums import ImageType, ExposureStatus
from pyobs.images import Image
from pyobs.modules import Module
from import NewImageEvent, ExposureStatusChangedEvent
from pyobs.interfaces import ICamera, IExposureTime, IImageType
from pyobs.modules import timeout
from pyobs.utils import exceptions as exc

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CameraException(Exception):

class ExposureInfo(NamedTuple):
    """Info about a running exposure."""

    start: datetime.datetime
    exposure_time: float

async def calc_expose_timeout(camera: IExposureTime, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> float:
    """Calculates timeout for expose()."""
    return await camera.get_exposure_time() + 30

class BaseCamera(Module, ImageFitsHeaderMixin, ICamera, IExposureTime, IImageType, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """Base class for all camera modules."""

    __module__ = ""

    def __init__(
        fits_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        centre: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None,
        rotation: float = 0.0,
        flip: bool = False,
        filenames: str = "/cache/pyobs-{DAY-OBS|date:}-{FRAMENUM|string:04d}-{IMAGETYP|type}00.fits.gz",
        fits_namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
        """Creates a new BaseCamera.

            fits_headers: Additional FITS headers.
            centre: (x, y) tuple of camera centre.
            rotation: Rotation east of north.
            flip: Whether or not to flip the image along its first axis.
            filenames: Template for file naming.
            fits_namespaces: List of namespaces for FITS headers that this camera should request
        Module.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        # check
        if self.comm is None:
            log.warning("No comm module given, will not be able to signal new images!")

        # store
        self._flip = flip
        self._exposure_time: float = 0.0
        self._image_type = ImageType.OBJECT

        # init camera
        self._exposure: Optional[ExposureInfo] = None
        self._camera_status = ExposureStatus.IDLE

        # multi-threading
        self.expose_abort = asyncio.Event()

        # register exception
        exc.register_exception(exc.GrabImageError, 3, timespan=600, callback=self._default_remote_error_callback)

[docs] async def open(self) -> None: """Open module.""" await # subscribe to events if self.comm: await self.comm.register_event(NewImageEvent) await self.comm.register_event(ExposureStatusChangedEvent)
[docs] async def set_exposure_time(self, exposure_time: float, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Set the exposure time in seconds. Args: exposure_time: Exposure time in seconds. Raises: ValueError: If exposure time could not be set. """"Setting exposure time to %.5fs...", exposure_time) self._exposure_time = exposure_time
[docs] async def get_exposure_time(self, **kwargs: Any) -> float: """Returns the exposure time in seconds. Returns: Exposure time in seconds. """ return self._exposure_time
[docs] async def set_image_type(self, image_type: ImageType, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Set the image type. Args: image_type: New image type. """"Setting image type to %s...", image_type) self._image_type = image_type
[docs] async def get_image_type(self, **kwargs: Any) -> ImageType: """Returns the current image type. Returns: Current image type. """ return self._image_type
async def _change_exposure_status(self, status: ExposureStatus) -> None: """Change exposure status and send event, Args: status: New exposure status. """ # send event, if it changed if self._camera_status != status: await self.comm.send_event(ExposureStatusChangedEvent(last=self._camera_status, current=status)) # set it self._camera_status = status
[docs] async def get_exposure_status(self, **kwargs: Any) -> ExposureStatus: """Returns the current status of the camera, which is one of 'idle', 'exposing', or 'readout'. Returns: Current status of camera. """ return self._camera_status
[docs] async def get_exposure_time_left(self, **kwargs: Any) -> float: """Returns the remaining exposure time on the current exposure in seconds. Returns: Remaining exposure time in seconds. """ # if we're not exposing, there is nothing left if self._exposure is None: return 0.0 # calculate difference between start of exposure and now, and return in ms duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._exposure.exposure_time) diff = self._exposure.start + duration - datetime.datetime.utcnow() return diff.total_seconds()
[docs] async def get_exposure_progress(self, **kwargs: Any) -> float: """Returns the progress of the current exposure in percent. Returns: Progress of the current exposure in percent. """ # if we're not exposing, there is no progress if self._exposure is None: return 0.0 # calculate difference between start of exposure and now diff = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - self._exposure[0] # zero exposure time? if self._exposure.exposure_time == 0.0 or self._camera_status == ExposureStatus.READOUT: return 100.0 else: # return max of 100 percentage = diff.total_seconds() / self._exposure[1] * 100.0 return min(percentage, 100.0)
@abstractmethod async def _expose(self, exposure_time: float, open_shutter: bool, abort_event: asyncio.Event) -> Image: """Actually do the exposure, should be implemented by derived classes. Args: exposure_time: The requested exposure time in seconds. open_shutter: Whether or not to open the shutter. abort_event: Event that gets triggered when exposure should be aborted. Returns: The actual image. Raises: GrabImageError: If exposure was not successful. """ ... async def __expose(self, exposure_time: float, image_type: ImageType, broadcast: bool) -> Tuple[Image, str]: """Wrapper for a single exposure. Args: exposure_time: The requested exposure time in seconds. image_type: Type of image. broadcast: Whether or not the new image should be broadcasted. Returns: Tuple of the image itself and its filename. Raises: GrabImageError: If there was a problem grabbing the image. """ # request fits headers header_futures_before = await self.request_fits_headers(before=True) # open the shutter? open_shutter = image_type not in [ImageType.BIAS, ImageType.DARK] # reset abort event self.expose_abort.clear() # do the exposure self._exposure = ExposureInfo(start=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), exposure_time=exposure_time) try: image = await self._expose(exposure_time, open_shutter, abort_event=self.expose_abort) if image is None or is None: raise exc.GrabImageError("Could not take image.") except exc.PyObsError: # exposure was not successful (aborted?), so reset everything and re-raise self._exposure = None raise except Exception as e: # exposure was not successful (aborted?), so reset everything and wrap exception self._exposure = None raise exc.GrabImageError(str(e)) # request fits headers again header_futures_after = await self.request_fits_headers(before=False) # flip it? if self._flip: # do we have three dimensions in array? need this for deciding which axis to flip is_3d = len( == 3 # flip image and make contiguous again flipped: NDArray[Any] = np.flip(, axis=1 if is_3d else 0) = np.ascontiguousarray(flipped) # add HDU name image.header["EXTNAME"] = "SCI" # add image type image.header["IMAGETYP"] = image_type.value # add fits headers and format filename await self.add_requested_fits_headers(image, header_futures_before) await self.add_requested_fits_headers(image, header_futures_after) await self.add_fits_headers(image) filename = self.format_filename(image) # don't want to save? if filename is None: self._exposure = None raise exc.GrabImageError("No filename given.") # upload file try:"Uploading image to file server...") await self.vfs.write_image(filename, image) except FileNotFoundError: raise ValueError("Could not upload image.") # broadcast image path if broadcast and self.comm:"Broadcasting image ID...") await self.comm.send_event(NewImageEvent(filename, image_type)) # return image and unique self._exposure = None"Finished image %s.", filename) return image, filename
[docs] @timeout(calc_expose_timeout) async def grab_image(self, broadcast: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Grabs an image ans returns reference. Args: broadcast: Broadcast existence of image. Returns: Name of image that was taken. Raises: GrabImageError: If there was a problem grabbing the image. """ # are we exposing? if self._camera_status != ExposureStatus.IDLE: raise CameraException("Cannot start new exposure because camera is not idle.") await self._change_exposure_status(ExposureStatus.EXPOSING) # expose try: image, filename = await self.__expose(self._exposure_time, self._image_type, broadcast) finally: await self._change_exposure_status(ExposureStatus.IDLE) # check if image is None: raise exc.GrabImageError("Could not take image.") else: if filename is None: raise ValueError("Image has not been saved, so cannot be retrieved by filename.") # return filename return filename
async def _abort_exposure(self) -> None: """Abort the running exposure. Should be implemented by derived class. Raises: ValueError: If an error occured. """ pass
[docs] async def abort(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Aborts the current exposure and sequence. Returns: Success or not. """ # set abort event"Aborting current image and sequence...") self.expose_abort.set() # do camera-specific abort await self._abort_exposure() # wait until state is not EXPOSING anymore while await self.get_exposure_status() == ExposureStatus.EXPOSING: await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_biassec_trimsec(hdr: fits.Header, left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int) -> None: """Calculates and sets the BIASSEC and TRIMSEC areas. Args: hdr: FITS header (in/out) left: left edge of data area top: top edge of data area width: width of data area height: height of data area """ # get image area in unbinned coordinates img_left = hdr["XORGSUBF"] img_top = hdr["YORGSUBF"] img_width = hdr["NAXIS1"] * hdr["XBINNING"] img_height = hdr["NAXIS2"] * hdr["YBINNING"] # get intersection is_left = max(left, img_left) is_right = min(left + width, img_left + img_width) is_top = max(top, img_top) is_bottom = min(top + height, img_top + img_height) # for simplicity we allow prescan/overscan only in one dimension if (left < is_left or left + width > is_right) and (top < is_top or top + height > is_bottom): log.warning("BIASSEC/TRIMSEC can only be calculated with a prescan/overscan on one axis only.") return # comments c1 = "Bias overscan area [x1:x2,y1:y2] (binned)" c2 = "Image area [x1:x2,y1:y2] (binned)" # rectangle empty? if is_right <= is_left or is_bottom <= is_top: # easy case, all is BIASSEC, no TRIMSEC at all hdr["BIASSEC"] = ("[1:%d,1:%d]" % (hdr["NAXIS1"], hdr["NAXIS2"]), c1) return # we got a TRIMSEC, calculate its binned and windowd coordinates is_left_binned = np.floor((is_left - hdr["XORGSUBF"]) / hdr["XBINNING"]) + 1 is_right_binned = np.ceil((is_right - hdr["XORGSUBF"]) / hdr["XBINNING"]) is_top_binned = np.floor((is_top - hdr["YORGSUBF"]) / hdr["YBINNING"]) + 1 is_bottom_binned = np.ceil((is_bottom - hdr["YORGSUBF"]) / hdr["YBINNING"]) # set it hdr["TRIMSEC"] = ("[%d:%d,%d:%d]" % (is_left_binned, is_right_binned, is_top_binned, is_bottom_binned), c2) hdr["DATASEC"] = ("[%d:%d,%d:%d]" % (is_left_binned, is_right_binned, is_top_binned, is_bottom_binned), c2) # now get BIASSEC -- whatever we do, we only take the last (!) one # which axis? if img_left + img_width > left + width: left_binned = np.floor((is_right - hdr["XORGSUBF"]) / hdr["XBINNING"]) + 1 hdr["BIASSEC"] = ("[%d:%d,1:%d]" % (left_binned, hdr["NAXIS1"], hdr["NAXIS2"]), c1) elif img_left < left: right_binned = np.ceil((is_left - hdr["XORGSUBF"]) / hdr["XBINNING"]) hdr["BIASSEC"] = ("[1:%d,1:%d]" % (right_binned, hdr["NAXIS2"]), c1) elif img_top + img_height > top + height: top_binned = np.floor((is_bottom - hdr["YORGSUBF"]) / hdr["YBINNING"]) + 1 hdr["BIASSEC"] = ("[1:%d,%d:%d]" % (hdr["NAXIS1"], top_binned, hdr["NAXIS2"]), c1) elif img_top < top: bottom_binned = np.ceil((is_top - hdr["YORGSUBF"]) / hdr["YBINNING"]) hdr["BIASSEC"] = ("[1:%d,1:%d]" % (hdr["NAXIS1"], bottom_binned), c1)
[docs] async def list_binnings(self, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """List available binnings. Returns: List of available binnings as (x, y) tuples. """ warnings.warn( "The default implementation for list_binnings() in BaseCamera will be removed in future versions", DeprecationWarning, ) return [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]
__all__ = ["BaseCamera", "CameraException"]