Source code for pyobs.modules.image.imagewatcher

import fnmatch
import glob
import logging
import os
import asyncio
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import PurePosixPath
from typing import Any, Optional, List, Tuple, AnyStr
from import fits

from pyobs.modules import Module
from pyobs.utils.fits import format_filename

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CurrentFile:
    filename: str
    data: AnyStr
    out_filename: Optional[str] = None
    hdu_list: Optional[fits.HDUList] = None

class ImageWatcher(Module):
    """Watch for new files and write them to all given destinations.

    Watches a path for new files and stores them in all given destinations. Only if all operations were successful,
    the file is deleted.

    __module__ = "pyobs.modules.image"

    def __init__(
        watchpath: str,
        destinations: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        poll: bool = False,
        poll_interval: int = 5,
        wait_time: int = 10,
        pattern: str = "*",
        **kwargs: Any,
        """Create a new image watcher.

            watchpath: Path to watch.
            destinations: Filename patterns for destinations.
            poll: If True, watchpath is polled instead of watched by inotify.
            poll_interval: Interval for polling in seconds, if poll is True.
            wait_time: Time in seconds between adding file to list and processing it.
        Module.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        # add thread func
        if poll:

        # variables
        self._watchpath = watchpath
        self._notifier: Optional[Any] = None
        self._queue = asyncio.Queue[Tuple[str, asyncio.Future[None]]]()
        self._poll = poll
        self._poll_interval = poll_interval
        self._wait_time = wait_time
        self._pattern = pattern
        self.current_file: Optional[CurrentFile] = None

        # filename patterns
        if not destinations:
            raise ValueError("No filename patterns given for the destinations.")
        self._destinations = destinations

    async def _watch_inotify(self) -> None:
        from asyncinotify import Inotify, Mask  # type: ignore

        # get local directory
        local = await self.vfs.local_path(self._watchpath)

        # Context manager to close the inotify handle after use
        with Inotify() as inotify:
            # add watch on local directory
            inotify.add_watch(local, Mask.CLOSE_WRITE)

            # iterate events forever
            async for event in inotify:
                # get filename by replacing local with watchpath
                filename = str(event.path).replace(local, self._watchpath)

                # add file

    async def _watch_poll(self) -> None:
        # init list
        files = set(await self.vfs.listdir(self._watchpath))

        # run forever
        path = PurePosixPath(self._watchpath)
        while True:
            # get new list
            new_files = await self.vfs.listdir(self._watchpath)

            # find all new files and add them
            for f in new_files:
                if f not in files:
                    print(str(path / f))
                    self.add_file(str(path / f))

            # store new list
            files = set(new_files)

[docs] async def open(self) -> None: """Open image watcher.""" await # add all files from directory to queue for filename in await self.vfs.listdir(self._watchpath): self.add_file(os.path.join(self._watchpath, filename))
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """Close image watcher.""" await Module.close(self) # stop watching if self._notifier:"Stop watching directory...") self._notifier.stop()
[docs] def add_file(self, filename: str) -> None: """Add a file to the file queue. Args: filename (str): Local filename of new file. """ # check pattern if not fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, self._pattern): return # log and add file"Adding new file %s...", filename) self._queue.put_nowait((filename, asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(self._wait_time))))
async def _worker(self) -> None: """Worker thread.""" # run forever while True: # get next filename filename, future = await self._queue.get() # waiting for future, which is the wait time for new files await future"Working on file %s...", filename) # better safe than sorry try: # get file data async with self.vfs.open_file(filename, "rb") as fd: data = await # try to load as fits file try: fits_file = fits.HDUList.fromstring(data) except: fits_file = None # fill current file self.current_file = CurrentFile(filename=filename, data=data, hdu_list=fits_file) # loop archive and upload success = True for pattern in self._destinations: # if it contains {placeholders}, we assume it's a FITS file and format filename if "{" in pattern and "}" in pattern and fits_file is not None: # format filename out_filename = format_filename(fits_file["SCI"].header, pattern) if out_filename is None: raise ValueError("Could not create name for file.") else: # no formatting, so just add filename to destination out_filename = os.path.join(pattern, os.path.basename(filename)) # store it"Storing file as %s...", out_filename) self.current_file.out_filename = out_filename try: async with self.vfs.open_file(out_filename, "wb") as fd: await fd.write(data) except: log.exception("Error while copying file, skipping for now.") success = False break # do extra processing if not await self.process_extra(filename): success = False break # no success? if not success: continue # close and delete files"Removing file from watch directory...") if not await self.vfs.remove(filename): log.warning("Could not delete %s.", filename) # cleanup extra await self.cleanup_extra(filename) except: log.exception("Something went wrong.")
[docs] async def process_extra(self, filename: str) -> bool: """Can be overwritten by derived classes to do extra processing on files. All information are stored in self.current_file and can be checked against the given filename. Args: filename: Input name of original file. Returns: Whether processing was successful """ return True
[docs] async def cleanup_extra(self, filename: str) -> None: """Can be overwritten by derived classes to do clean up after successful copying. All information are stored in self.current_file and can be checked against the given filename. Args: filename: Input name of original file. """ ...
__all__ = ["ImageWatcher"]