Source code for pyobs.comm.slixmpp.xmppcomm

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import functools
import inspect
import json
import logging
import re
import time
from import Coroutine
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Type, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
import slixmpp
import slixmpp.exceptions
from slixmpp import ElementBase
from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
import xml.sax.saxutils

from pyobs.comm import Comm
from import Event, LogEvent, ModuleOpenedEvent, ModuleClosedEvent
from import EventFactory
from pyobs.interfaces import Interface
from pyobs.utils import exceptions as exc
from .rpc import RPC
from .xmppclient import XmppClient

    from pyobs.modules import Module

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class EventStanza(ElementBase):  # type: ignore
    name = "event"
    namespace = "pyobs:event"

class XmppComm(Comm):
    """A Comm class using XMPP.

    This Comm class uses an XMPP server (e.g. `ejabberd <>`_) for communication between modules.
    Essentially required for a connection to the server is a JID, a JabberID. It can be specified in the configuration
    like this::

            class: pyobs.sleekxmpp.XmppComm

    Using this, *pyobs* tries to connect to as user ``someuser`` with resource ``pyobs``. Since ``pyobs``
    is the default resource, it can be omitted::


    Alternatively, one can split the user, domain, and resource (if required) into three different parameters::

        user: someuser

    This comes in handy, if one wants to put the basic Comm configuration into a separate file. Imagine a ``_comm.yaml``
    in the same directory as the module config::

        comm_cfg: &comm
            class: pyobs.comm.sleekxmpp.XmppComm

    Now in the module configuration, one can simply do this::

        {include _comm.yaml}

            <<: *comm
            user: someuser
            password: supersecret

    This allows for a super easy change of the domain for all configurations, which especially makes developing on
    different machines a lot easier.

    The ``server`` parameter can be used, when the server's hostname is different from the XMPP domain. This might,
    e.g., be the case, when connecting to a server via SSH port forwarding::

        server: localhost:52222

    Finally, always make sure that ``use_tls`` is set according to the server's settings, i.e. if it uses TLS, this
    parameter must be True, and False otherwise. Cryptic error messages will follow, if one does not set this properly.


    __module__ = "pyobs.comm.slixmpp"

    def __init__(
        jid: Optional[str] = None,
        user: Optional[str] = None,
        domain: Optional[str] = None,
        resource: str = "pyobs",
        password: str = "",
        server: Optional[str] = None,
        use_tls: bool = False,
        *args: Any,
        **kwargs: Any,
        """Create a new XMPP Comm module.

        Either a fill JID needs to be provided, or a set of user/domian/resource, from which a JID is built.

            jid: JID to connect as.
            user: Username part of the JID.
            domain: Domain part of the JID.
            resource: Resource part of the JID.
            password: Password for given JID.
            server: Server to connect to. If not given, domain from JID is used.
            use_tls: Whether or not to use TLS.
        Comm.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        # variables
        self._connected = False
        self._event_handlers: Dict[Type[Event], List[Callable[[Event, str], Coroutine[Any, Any, bool]]]] = {}
        self._online_clients: List[str] = []
        self._interface_cache: Dict[str, asyncio.Future[List[Type[Interface]]]] = {}
        self._user = user
        self._domain = domain
        self._resource = resource
        self._server = server
        self._use_tls = use_tls
        self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self._safe_send_attempts = 5
        self._safe_send_wait = 1

        # build jid
        if jid:
            # resource given in jid?
            if "/" not in jid:
                jid += "/" + resource

            # get user/domain/resource and write it back to config
            m = re.match(r"([\w_\-\.]+)@([\w_\-\.]+)\/([\w_\-\.]+)", jid)
            if not m:
                log.error("Invalid JID format.")
                raise ValueError()
            self._user =
            self._domain =
            self._resource =

            # set jid itself
            self._jid = jid

            self._jid = "%s@%s/%s" % (self._user, self._domain, self._resource)

        # create client
        self._xmpp = XmppClient(self._jid, password)
        # self._xmpp = slixmpp.ClientXMPP(self._jid, password)
        self._xmpp.add_event_handler("pubsub_publish", self._handle_event)
        self._xmpp.add_event_handler("got_online", self._got_online)
        self._xmpp.add_event_handler("got_offline", self._got_offline)

        # create RPC handler
        self._rpc = RPC(self._xmpp, None)

    def _set_module(self, module: "Module") -> None:
        """Called, when the module connected to this Comm changes.

            module: The module.

        # add features
        if module is not None:
            for i in module.interfaces:
                self._xmpp["xep_0030"].add_feature("pyobs:interface:%s" % i.__name__)

        # update RPC
        if self._rpc is None:
            raise ValueError("No RPC.")

[docs] async def open(self) -> None: """Open the connection to the XMPP server. Returns: Whether opening was successful. """ # server given? server = () if self._server is None else tuple(self._server.split(":")) # connect self._xmpp.connect(address=server, force_starttls=self._use_tls, disable_starttls=not self._use_tls) self._xmpp.init_plugins() # wait for connected if not await self._xmpp.wait_connect(): if self.module is not None: self.module.quit() return # subscribe to events await self.register_event(LogEvent) # open Comm await # wait a little and finished await asyncio.sleep(1) self._connected = True
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """Close connection.""" # close parent class await Comm.close(self) # disconnect from sleekxmpp server await self._xmpp.disconnect()
@property def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Name of this client.""" return self._user def _failed_auth(self, event: Any) -> None: """Authentication failed. Args: event: XMPP event. """ print("Authorization at server failed.") def _get_full_client_name(self, name: str) -> str: """Builds full JID from a given username. Args: name: Username to build JID for. Returns: Full JID for given user. """ return name if "@" in name else "%s@%s/%s" % (name, self._domain, self._resource)
[docs] async def get_interfaces(self, client: str) -> List[Type[Interface]]: """Returns list of interfaces for given client. Args: client: Name of client. Returns: List of supported interfaces. Raises: IndexError: If client cannot be found. """ # full JID given? if "@" not in client: client = "%s@%s/%s" % (client, self._domain, self._resource) # return them from cache return await self._interface_cache[client]
async def _get_interfaces(self, jid: str, attempts: int = 3) -> List[str]: """Return list of interfaces for the given JID. Args: jid: JID to get interfaces for. Returns: List of interface names or empty list, if an error occurred. """ # request features try: info = await self._safe_send(self._xmpp["xep_0030"].get_info, jid=jid, cached=False) except (slixmpp.exceptions.IqError, slixmpp.exceptions.IqTimeout): return [] # extract pyobs interface names if info is None: return [] try: if isinstance(info, info = info["disco_info"] prefix = "pyobs:interface:" interface_names = [i[len(prefix) :] for i in info["features"] if i.startswith(prefix)] except TypeError: raise IndexError() # IModule not in list? if "IModule" not in interface_names: # try again or quit? if attempts == 0: return [] else: await asyncio.sleep(5) interface_names = await self._get_interfaces(jid, attempts - 1) # finished return interface_names async def _supports_interface(self, client: str, interface: Type[Interface]) -> bool: """Checks, whether the given client supports the given interface. Args: client: Client to check. interface: Interface to check. Returns: Whether or not interface is supported. """ # full JID given? if "@" not in client: client = "%s@%s/%s" % (client, self._domain, self._resource) # update interface cache and get interface names interfaces = await self.get_interfaces(client) # supported? return interface in interfaces
[docs] async def execute(self, client: str, method: str, signature: inspect.Signature, *args: Any) -> Any: """Execute a given method on a remote client. Args: client (str): ID of client. method (str): Method to call. signature: Method signature. *args: List of parameters for given method. Returns: Passes through return from method call. """ # prepare if self._rpc is None: raise ValueError("No RPC.") jid = self._get_full_client_name(client) # call try: return await, method, signature, *args) except slixmpp.exceptions.IqError: raise exc.RemoteError(client, f"Could not call {method} on {client}.") except slixmpp.exceptions.IqTimeout: raise exc.RemoteTimeoutError(client, f"Call to {method} on {client} timed out.")
async def _got_online(self, msg: Any) -> None: """If a new client connects, add it to list. Args: msg: XMPP message. """ # get jid, ignore event if it's myself jid = msg["from"].full if jid == self._jid: return # clear interface cache, just in case there is something there if jid in self._interface_cache: del self._interface_cache[jid] # create future for interfaces self._interface_cache[jid] = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future() # request interfaces interface_names = await self._get_interfaces(jid) # if no interfaces are implemented (not even IModule), quit here if len(interface_names) == 0: module = jid[: jid.index["@"]] log.error(f"Module {module} does not seem to implement IModule, ignoring.") return # store interfaces self._interface_cache[jid].set_result(self._interface_names_to_classes(interface_names)) # append to list if jid not in self._online_clients: self._online_clients.append(jid) # send event self._send_event_to_module(ModuleOpenedEvent(), msg["from"].username) def _got_offline(self, msg: Any) -> None: """If a new client disconnects, remove it from list. Args: msg: XMPP message. """ # remove from list jid = msg["from"].full self._online_clients.remove(jid) # clear interface cache if jid in self._interface_cache: del self._interface_cache[jid] # send event self._send_event_to_module(ModuleClosedEvent(), msg["from"].username) @property def clients(self) -> List[str]: """Returns list of currently connected clients. Returns: (list) List of currently connected clients. """ return [c[: c.find("@")] for c in self._online_clients] @property def client(self) -> XmppClient: """Returns the XMPP client. Returns: The XMPP client. """ return self._xmpp
[docs] async def send_event(self, event: Event) -> None: """Send an event to other clients. Args: event (Event): Event to send """ # create stanza stanza = EventStanza() # dump event to JSON and escape it body = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(json.dumps(event.to_json())) # set xml and send event stanza.xml = ET.fromstring('<event xmlns="pyobs:event">%s</event>' % body) # send it await self._safe_send( self._xmpp["xep_0163"].publish, stanza, node="pyobs:event:%s" % event.__class__.__name__, callback=functools.partial(self._send_event_callback, event=event), )
@staticmethod def _send_event_callback(iq: Any, event: Optional[Event] = None) -> None: """Called when an event has been successfully sent. Args: iq: Response package. event: Sent event. """ log.debug("%s successfully sent.", event.__class__.__name__)
[docs] async def register_event( self, event_class: Type[Event], handler: Optional[Callable[[Event, str], Coroutine[Any, Any, bool]]] = None ) -> None: """Register an event type. If a handler is given, we also receive those events, otherwise we just send them. Args: event_class: Class of event to register. handler: Event handler method. """ # we also want to register all events derived from the given one event_classes = self._get_derived_events(event_class) # do we have a handler? if handler: # loop classes for ev in event_classes: # initialize list if ev not in self._event_handlers: self._event_handlers[ev] = [] # avoid duplicates if handler not in self._event_handlers[ev]: # add handler self._event_handlers[ev].append(handler) # if event is not a local one, we also need to do some XMPP stuff if not event_class.local: await self._register_events(event_classes, handler)
def _get_derived_events(self, event: Type[Event]) -> List[Type[Event]]: """Return list of given event itself and all events derived from it. Args: event: Event class to check. Returns: List of event classes. """ import event_classes: List[Type[Event]] = [] for cls in inspect.getmembers(, inspect.isclass): if issubclass(cls[1], event): event_classes.append(cls[1]) return event_classes async def _register_events( self, events: List[Type[Event]], handler: Optional[Callable[[Event, str], Coroutine[Any, Any, bool]]] = None ) -> None: # loop events for ev in events: # register event at XMPP self._xmpp["xep_0030"].add_feature("pyobs:event:%s" % ev.__name__) # if we have a handler, we're also interested in receiving such events if handler: # add interest self._xmpp["xep_0163"].add_interest("pyobs:event:%s" % ev.__name__) # update caps and send presence await self._safe_send(self._xmpp["xep_0115"].update_caps) self._xmpp.send_presence() async def _handle_event(self, msg: Any) -> None: """Handles an event. Args: msg: Received XMPP message. """ # get body, unescape it, parse it # node = msg['pubsub_event'][items']['node'] body = json.loads(xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(msg["pubsub_event"]["items"]["item"]["payload"].text)) # do we have a <delay> element? delay = msg.xml.findall("{urn:sleekxmpp:delay}delay") if len(delay) > 0: # ignore this message return # did we send this? if msg["from"] == self._xmpp.boundjid.bare: return # create event and check timestamp event = EventFactory.from_dict(body) if event is None: return if time.time() - event.timestamp > 30: # event is more than 30 seconds old, ignore it # we do this do avoid resent events after a reconnect return # send it to module self._send_event_to_module(event, msg["from"].username) def _send_event_to_module(self, event: Event, from_client: str) -> None: """Send an event to all connected modules. Args: event: Event to send. from_client: Client that sent the event. """ # send it if event.__class__ in self._event_handlers: for handler in self._event_handlers[event.__class__]: # handle it ret = handler(event, from_client) if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret): asyncio.create_task(ret) async def _safe_send(self, method: Callable[[Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Safely send an XMPP message. Args: method: Method to call. *args: Parameters for method. **kwargs: Parameters for method. except slixmpp.exceptions.IqError: raise RemoteException("Could not send command.") except slixmpp.exceptions.IqTimeout: raise exc() Returns: Return value from method. """ # try multiple times for i in range(self._safe_send_attempts): try: # execute method and return result return await method(*args, **kwargs) except slixmpp.exceptions.IqTimeout: # timeout occurred, try again after some wait await asyncio.sleep(self._safe_send_wait) # never should reach this raise slixmpp.exceptions.IqTimeout __all__ = ["XmppComm"]