Source code for pyobs.utils.fits

TODO: write doc
__title__ = "FITS utilities"

import logging
import re
from typing import Union, Any, cast, Optional, List, Callable, Dict
import numpy as np
from import fits
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from pyobs.utils.time import Time

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def fitssec(hdu: Any, keyword: str = "TRIMSEC") -> NDArray[Any]:
    """Trim an image to TRIMSEC or BIASSEC.

        hdu: HDU to take data from.
        keyword: Header keyword for section.

        Numpy array with image data.

    # keyword not given?
    if keyword not in hdu.header:
        # return whole data
        return cast(NDArray[Any],

    # get value of section
    sec = hdu.header[keyword]

    # split values
    s = sec[1:-1].split(",")
    x = s[0].split(":")
    y = s[1].split(":")
    x0 = int(x[0]) - 1
    x1 = int(x[1])
    y0 = int(y[0]) - 1
    y1 = int(y[1])

    # return data
    return cast(NDArray[Any],[y0:y1, x0:x1])

[docs]class FilenameFormatter: def __init__(self, fmt: Union[str, List[str]], keys: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): """Initializes a new filename formatter. Args: fmt: Filename format or list of formats. If list is given, first valid one is used. keys: Additional keys to pass to the formatter. """ self.format = fmt self.keys: Dict[str, Any] = {} if keys is None else keys # define functions self.funcs: Dict[str, Callable[..., str]] = { "lower": self._format_lower, "time": self._format_time, "date": self._format_date, "filter": self._format_filter, "string": self._format_string, "type": self._format_type, } def _value(self, hdr: fits.Header, key: str) -> Any: """Returns value for given key. Args: hdr: fits.Header to take value from. key: Key to return value for. Returns: Value for given key. """ # first check keys if key in self.keys: return self.keys[key] # then check header return hdr[key] def __call__(self, hdr: fits.Header) -> Optional[str]: """Formats a filename given a format template and a FITS header. Args: hdr: FITS header to take values from. Returns: Formatted filename. Raises: KeyError: If either keyword could not be found in header or method could not be found. """ # make fmt a list if self.format is None: return None if isinstance(self.format, str): self.format = [self.format] # loop formats for f in self.format: try: # find all placeholders in format placeholders = re.findall("\{[\w\d_-]+(?:\|[\w\d_-]+\:?(?:[\w\d_-]+)*)?\}", f) if len(placeholders) == 0: return f # create output output = f # loop all placeholders for ph in placeholders: # call method and replace output = output.replace(ph, str(self._format_placeholder(ph, hdr))) # finished return output except KeyError: # this format didn't work pass # still here? raise KeyError("No valid format found.") def _format_placeholder(self, placeholder: str, hdr: fits.Header) -> str: """Format a given placeholder. Args: placeholder: Placeholder to format. hdr: FITS header to take values from. Returns: Formatted placeholder. Raises: KeyError: If method or FITS header keyword don't exist. """ # remove curly brackets key = placeholder[1:-1] method = None params = [] # do we have a pipe in here? if "|" in key: key, method = key.split("|") # parameters for method? if method is not None and ":" in method: method, *params = method.split(":") # if no method is given, just replace if method is None: return str(self._value(hdr, key)) else: # get function (may raise KeyError) func = self.funcs[method] # call method and replace return func(hdr, key, *params) def _format_lower(self, hdr: fits.Header, key: str) -> str: """Sets a given string to lowercase. Args: hdr: FITS header to take values from. key: The name of the FITS header key to use. Returns: Formatted string. """ return str(self._value(hdr, key)).lower() def _format_time(self, hdr: fits.Header, key: str, delimiter: str = "-") -> str: """Formats time using the given delimiter. Args: hdr: FITS header to take values from. key: The name of the FITS header key to use. delimiter: Delimiter for time formatting. Returns: Formatted string. """ fmt = "%H" + delimiter + "%M" + delimiter + "%S" date_obs = Time(self._value(hdr, key)) return str(date_obs.datetime.strftime(fmt)) def _format_date(self, hdr: fits.Header, key: str, delimiter: str = "-") -> str: """Formats date using the given delimiter. Args: hdr: FITS header to take values from. key: The name of the FITS header key to use. delimiter: Delimiter for date formatting. Returns: Formatted string. """ fmt = "%Y" + delimiter + "%m" + delimiter + "%d" date_obs = Time(self._value(hdr, key)) return str(date_obs.datetime.strftime(fmt)) def _format_filter(self, hdr: fits.Header, key: str, image_type: str = "IMAGETYP", prefix: str = "-") -> str: """Formats a filter, prefixed by a given separator, only if the image type requires it. Args: hdr: FITS header to take values from. key: The name of the FITS header key to use. image_type: FITS header key for IMAGETYP. prefix: Prefix to add to filter. Returns: Formatted string. """ it = hdr[image_type].lower() if it in ["light", "object", "flat", "skyflat"]: return str(prefix + self._value(hdr, key)) else: return "" def _format_string(self, hdr: fits.Header, key: str, fmt: str) -> str: """Formats a string using Python string substitution. Args: hdr: FITS header to take values from. key: The name of the FITS header key to use. fmt: A Python string format like %d, %05d, or %4.1f. Returns: Formatted string. """ fmt = "%" + fmt return str(fmt % self._value(hdr, key)) def _format_type(self, hdr: fits.Header, key: str) -> str: """Formats an image type to a one-letter code. Args: hdr: FITS header to take values from. key: The name of the FITS header key to use. Returns: Formatted string. """ if self._value(hdr, key) == "bias": return "b" elif self._value(hdr, key) == "skyflat": return "f" elif self._value(hdr, key) == "dark": return "d" else: return "e"
def format_filename( hdr: fits.Header, fmt: Union[str, List[str]], keys: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Optional[str]: """Formats a filename given a format template and a FITS header. Args: hdr: FITS header to take values from. fmt: Filename format or list of formats. If multiple formats are given, the first valid one is used. keys: Additional keys to pass to the format string. Returns: Filename Raises: KeyError: If either keyword could not be found in header or method could not be found. """ ff = FilenameFormatter(fmt, keys) return ff(hdr) __all__ = ["format_filename", "FilenameFormatter", "fitssec"]