Source code for pyobs.modules.module

from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import inspect
import logging
import typing
from typing import Union, Type, Any, Callable, Dict, Tuple, List, TypeVar, Optional, cast
from py_expression_eval import Parser
import packaging.version

from import ModuleOpenedEvent, Event
from pyobs.object import Object
from pyobs.interfaces import IModule, IConfig, Interface
from pyobs.utils.enums import ModuleState
from pyobs.utils.types import cast_bound_arguments_to_real, cast_response_to_simple
from pyobs.version import version
from pyobs.utils import exceptions as exc

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable[..., Any])

def timeout(func_timeout: Union[str, int, Callable[..., Any], None] = None) -> Callable[[F], F]:
    """Decorates a method with information about timeout for an async HTTP call.

    :param func_timeout:  Integer or string that specifies the timeout.
                          If string, it is parsed using the variables in kwargs.

    def timeout_decorator(func: F) -> F:
        async def _timeout(obj: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> float:
            # define variables as non-local
            nonlocal func_timeout, func

            # init to 0 second
            to = 0.0

            # do we have a timeout?
            if func_timeout is not None:
                # what is it?
                if callable(func_timeout):
                    # this is a method, does it have a timeout on it's own? then use it
                        if hasattr(func_timeout, "timeout"):
                            # call timeout method, only works if this has the same parameters
                            to = await getattr(func_timeout, "timeout")(obj, *args, **kwargs)
                            # call method directly
                            to = await func_timeout(obj, *args, **kwargs)
                        log.exception("Could not call timeout method.")

                elif isinstance(func_timeout, str):
                    # this is a string with a function, so evaluate it
                        parser = Parser()
                        to = parser.parse(func_timeout).evaluate(kwargs)
                    except Exception:
                        log.error('Could not find timeout "%s" in list of parameters.', func_timeout)

                    # it's a number, add timeout directly
                        to = float(func_timeout)
                    except ValueError:
                        log.exception("Could not convert timeout to float.")
                        to = 0.0

            # return it
            return to

        # decorate method
        setattr(func, "timeout", _timeout)
        return func

    return timeout_decorator

class Module(Object, IModule, IConfig):
    """Base class for all pyobs modules."""

    __module__ = "pyobs.modules"

    def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any):
            name: Name of module. If None, ID from comm object is used.
            label: Label for module. If None, name is used.
        Object.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        # get list of client interfaces
        self._interfaces: List[Type[Interface]] = []
        self._methods: Dict[str, Tuple[Callable[..., Any], inspect.Signature, Dict[Any, Any]]] = {}

        # get configuration caps, i.e. all parameters from c'tor
        self._config_caps = self._get_config_caps()

        # name and label
        self._device_name = name if name is not None else
        self._label = label if label is not None else self._device_name

        # state
        self._state = ModuleState.READY
        self._error_string = ""

        # close
        self._closing = asyncio.Event()

[docs] async def open(self) -> None: # open comm if self.comm is not None: # open it and connect module self.comm.module = self await # react to connecting modules await self.comm.register_event(ModuleOpenedEvent, self._on_module_opened) """Open module.""" await
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """Close module.""" await Object.close(self) # close comm if self.comm is not None:"Closing connection to server...") await self.comm.close()
@staticmethod def new_event_loop() -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop: return asyncio.new_event_loop()
[docs] async def main(self) -> None: """Main loop for application.""" await self._closing.wait()
@property def name(self) -> str: """Returns name of module.""" return "" if self._device_name is None else self._device_name
[docs] async def get_label(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Returns label of module.""" return "" if self._label is None else self._label
[docs] async def get_version(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Returns pyobs version of module.""" return version()
async def _on_module_opened(self, event: Event, sender: str) -> bool: """React to other modules connecting.""" if sender == or not isinstance(event, ModuleOpenedEvent): return False # get proxy and version proxy = await self.proxy(sender, IModule) try: module_version = await proxy.get_version() except exc.RemoteError: return True # log it log.debug(f"Other module {sender} found, running on pyobs {module_version}.") # check version, only compare major and minor, ignore patch level v1, v2 = packaging.version.parse(version()), packaging.version.parse(module_version) if v1.major != v2.major or v1.minor != v2.minor: log.critical( f'Found module "{sender}" with different pyobs version {module_version} (≠{version()}), ' f"please update pyobs." ) # okay return True @property def interfaces(self) -> List[Type[Interface]]: """List of implemented interfaces.""" return self._interfaces @property def methods(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Callable[..., Any], inspect.Signature, Dict[Any, Any]]]: """List of methods.""" return self._methods def _get_interfaces_and_methods(self) -> None: """List interfaces and methods of this module.""" import pyobs.interfaces # get interfaces self._interfaces = [] self._methods = {} for _, interface in inspect.getmembers(pyobs.interfaces, predicate=inspect.isclass): # is module a sub-class of that class that inherits from Interface? if isinstance(self, interface) and issubclass(interface, pyobs.interfaces.Interface): # we ignore the interface "Interface" if interface == pyobs.interfaces.Interface: continue # add interface self._interfaces += [interface] # loop methods of that interface for method_name, method in inspect.getmembers(interface, predicate=inspect.isfunction): # get method and signature func = getattr(self, method_name) signature = inspect.signature(func) type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(func) # fill dict of name->(method, signature) self._methods[method_name] = (func, signature, type_hints)
[docs] def quit(self) -> None: """Quit module.""" self._closing.set() asyncio.get_event_loop().stop()
[docs] async def execute(self, method: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Execute a local method safely with type conversion All incoming variables in args and kwargs must be of simple type (i.e. int, float, str, bool, tuple) and will be converted to the requested type automatically. All outgoing variables are converted to simple types automatically as well. Args: method: Name of method to execute. *args: Parameters for method. **kwargs: Parameters for method. Returns: Response from method call. Raises: KeyError: If method does not exist. """ # is module in error state? if self._state == ModuleState.ERROR: # if called method is not from IModule, raise error if not hasattr(IModule, method): raise exc.ModuleError("Module is in error state, please reset it.") # get method and signature (may raise KeyError) func, signature, type_hints = self._methods[method] # bind parameters ba = signature.bind(*args, **kwargs) ba.apply_defaults() # get additional args and kwargs and delete from ba func_args = [] func_kwargs = {} if "args" in ba.arguments: func_args = ba.arguments["args"] del ba.arguments["args"] if "kwargs" in ba.arguments: func_kwargs = ba.arguments["kwargs"] del ba.arguments["kwargs"] # cast to types requested by method cast_bound_arguments_to_real(ba, type_hints, self.comm.cast_to_real_pre, self.comm.cast_to_real_post) # call method response = await func(*func_args, **ba.arguments, **func_kwargs) # finished return cast_response_to_simple( response, type_hints["return"], self.comm.cast_to_simple_pre, self.comm.cast_to_simple_post )
def _get_config_caps(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[bool, bool, bool]]: """Returns a dictionary with config caps.""" # init dict of caps and types caps = {} # loop super classes for cls in inspect.getmro(self.__class__): # ignore Object and Module if cls in [Object, Module]: continue # get signature sig = inspect.signature(getattr(cls, "__init__")) for name in sig.parameters: # ignore self, args, kwargs if name in ["self", "args", "kwargs"]: continue # check for getter and setter caps[name] = ( hasattr(self, "_get_config_" + name), hasattr(self, "_set_config_" + name), hasattr(self, "_get_config_options_" + name), ) # finished return caps
[docs] async def get_config_caps(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Tuple[bool, bool, bool]]: """Returns dict of all config capabilities. First value is whether it has a getter, second is for the setter, third is for a list of possible options.. Returns: Dict with config caps """ return self._config_caps
[docs] async def get_config_value(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Returns current value of config item with given name. Args: name: Name of config item. Returns: Current value. Raises: ValueError: If config item of given name does not exist. """ # valid parameter? if name not in self._config_caps: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter %s" % name) if not self._config_caps[name][0]: raise ValueError("Parameter %s is not remotely accessible.") # get getter method and call it getter = getattr(self, "_get_config_" + name) return await getter()
[docs] async def get_config_value_options(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> List[str]: """Returns possible values for config item with given name. Args: name: Name of config item. Returns: Possible values. Raises: ValueError: If config item of given name does not exist. """ # valid parameter? if name not in self._config_caps: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter %s" % name) if not self._config_caps[name][2]: raise ValueError("Parameter %s has no list of possible values.") # get getter method and call it options = getattr(self, "_get_config_options_" + name) return cast(List[str], await options())
[docs] async def set_config_value(self, name: str, value: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Sets value of config item with given name. Args: name: Name of config item. value: New value. Raises: ValueError: If config item of given name does not exist or value is invalid. """ # valid parameter? if name not in self._config_caps: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter %s" % name) if not self._config_caps[name][1]: raise ValueError("Parameter %s is not remotely settable.") # get setter and call it setter = getattr(self, "_set_config_" + name) await setter(value)
[docs] async def set_state(self, state: ModuleState, error_string: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Set state of module. Args: state: New state to set. error_string: If given, set error string. """ # log? if state != self._state:"Set module state to %s.", state) # set it self._state = state if error_string is not None: self.set_error_string(error_string)
[docs] async def get_state(self, **kwargs: Any) -> ModuleState: """Returns current state of module.""" return self._state
[docs] async def reset_error(self, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """Reset error of module, if any. Should be overwritten by derived class to handle error resolution.""" self._state = ModuleState.READY self.set_error_string() return True
async def _default_remote_error_callback(self, exception: exc.PyObsError) -> None: """Called on severe errors. Args: exception: Exception that caused severe error. """ # set error string if isinstance(exception, exc.RemoteError): error = f"Servere error in {exception.module} module: {exception}" else: error = f"Severe error: {exception}" self.set_error_string(error) # log it and set state log.critical(error) await self.set_state(ModuleState.ERROR)
[docs] def set_error_string(self, error: str = "") -> None: """Set error string.""" self._error_string = error
[docs] async def get_error_string(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Returns description of error, if any.""" return self._error_string
class MultiModule(Module): """Wrapper for running multiple modules in a single process.""" __module__ = "pyobs.modules" def __init__( self, modules: Dict[str, Union[Module, Dict[str, Any]]], shared: Optional[Dict[str, Union[object, Dict[str, Any]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ): """ Args: modules: Dictionary with modules. shared: Shared objects between modules. """ Module.__init__(self, name="multi", **kwargs) # create shared objects self._shared: Dict[str, Module] = {} if shared: for name, obj in shared.items(): # if obj is an object definition, create it, otherwise just set it self._shared[name] = self.add_child_object(obj) # create modules self._modules = {} for name, mod in modules.items(): # what is it? if isinstance(mod, Module): # it's a module already, store it self._modules[name] = mod elif isinstance(mod, dict): # dictionary, create it self._modules[name] = self.add_child_object(mod, **self._shared, copy_comm=False) @property def modules(self) -> Dict[str, Module]: return self._modules def __contains__(self, name: str) -> bool: """Checks, whether this multi-module contains a module of given name.""" return name in self._modules def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Module: """Returns module of given name.""" return self._modules[name] __all__ = ["Module", "MultiModule", "timeout"]