Source code for pyobs.modules.robotic.scheduler

import asyncio
import copy
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Any, Optional, Dict
import astroplan
from astroplan import ObservingBlock
from astropy.time import TimeDelta
import astropy.units as u

from import TaskFinishedEvent
from import TaskStartedEvent
from import GoodWeatherEvent, Event
from pyobs.utils.time import Time
from pyobs.interfaces import IStartStop, IRunnable
from pyobs.modules import Module
from pyobs.robotic import TaskArchive, TaskSchedule

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Scheduler(Module, IStartStop, IRunnable):

    __module__ = "pyobs.modules.robotic"

    def __init__(
        tasks: Union[Dict[str, Any], TaskArchive],
        schedule: Union[Dict[str, Any], TaskSchedule],
        schedule_range: int = 24,
        safety_time: int = 60,
        twilight: str = "astronomical",
        trigger_on_task_started: bool = False,
        trigger_on_task_finished: bool = False,
        **kwargs: Any,
        """Initialize a new scheduler.

            scheduler: Scheduler to use
            schedule_range: Number of hours to schedule into the future
            safety_time: If no ETA for next task to start exists (from current task, weather became good, etc), use
                         this time in seconds to make sure that we don't schedule for a time when the scheduler is
                         still running
            twilight: astronomical or nautical
            trigger_on_task_started: Whether to trigger a re-calculation of schedule, when task has started.
            trigger_on_task_finishes: Whether to trigger a re-calculation of schedule, when task has finished.
        Module.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        # get scheduler
        self._task_archive = self.add_child_object(tasks, TaskArchive)
        self._schedule = self.add_child_object(schedule, TaskSchedule)

        # store
        self._schedule_range = schedule_range
        self._safety_time = safety_time
        self._twilight = twilight
        self._running = True
        self._initial_update_done = False
        self._need_update = False
        self._trigger_on_task_started = trigger_on_task_started
        self._trigger_on_task_finished = trigger_on_task_finished

        # time to start next schedule from
        self._schedule_start: Optional[Time] = None

        # ID of currently running task, and current (or last if finished) block
        self._current_task_id = None
        self._last_task_id = None

        # blocks
        self._blocks: List[ObservingBlock] = []

        # update thread

[docs] async def open(self) -> None: """Open module.""" await # subscribe to events if self.comm: await self.comm.register_event(TaskStartedEvent, self._on_task_started) await self.comm.register_event(TaskFinishedEvent, self._on_task_finished) await self.comm.register_event(GoodWeatherEvent, self._on_good_weather)
[docs] async def start(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Start scheduler.""" self._running = True
[docs] async def stop(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Stop scheduler.""" self._running = False
[docs] async def is_running(self, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """Whether scheduler is running.""" return self._running
async def _update_worker(self) -> None: # time of last change in blocks last_change = None # run forever while True: # not running? if self._running is False: await asyncio.sleep(1) continue # got new time of last change? t = await self._task_archive.last_changed() if last_change is None or last_change < t: # get schedulable blocks and sort them"Found update in schedulable block, downloading them...") blocks = sorted( await self._task_archive.get_schedulable_blocks(), key=lambda x: json.dumps(x.configuration, sort_keys=True), )"Downloaded %d schedulable block(s).", len(blocks)) # compare new and old lists removed, added = self._compare_block_lists(self._blocks, blocks) # schedule update self._need_update = True # no changes? if len(removed) == 0 and len(added) == 0: # no need to re-schedule"No change in list of blocks detected.") self._need_update = False # has only the current block been removed?"Removed: %d, added: %d", len(removed), len(added)) if len(removed) == 1: "Found 1 removed block with ID %d. Last task ID was %s, current is %s.", removed[0], str(self._last_task_id), str(self._current_task_id), ) if len(removed) == 1 and len(added) == 0 and removed[0] == self._last_task_id: # no need to re-schedule"Only one removed block detected, which is the one currently running.") self._need_update = False # check, if one of the removed blocks was actually in schedule if len(removed) > 0 and self._need_update: schedule = await self._schedule.get_schedule() removed_from_schedule = [r for r in removed if r in schedule] if len(removed_from_schedule) == 0:"Found {len(removed)} blocks, but none of them was scheduled.") self._need_update = False # store blocks self._blocks = blocks # schedule update if self._need_update:"Triggering scheduler run...") # remember now last_change = self._initial_update_done = True # sleep a little await asyncio.sleep(5) @staticmethod def _compare_block_lists( blocks1: List[ObservingBlock], blocks2: List[ObservingBlock] ) -> Tuple[List[ObservingBlock], List[ObservingBlock]]: """Compares two lists of ObservingBlocks and returns two lists, containing those that are missing in list 1 and list 2, respectively. Args: blocks1: First list of blocks. blocks2: Second list of blocks. Returns: (tuple): Tuple containing: unique1: Blocks that exist in blocks1, but not in blocks2. unique2: Blocks that exist in blocks2, but not in blocks1. """ # get dictionaries with block names names1 = { b for b in blocks1} names2 = { b for b in blocks2} # find elements in names1 that are missing in names2 and vice versa additional1 = set(names1.keys()).difference(names2.keys()) additional2 = set(names2.keys()).difference(names1.keys()) # get blocks for names and return them unique1 = [names1[n] for n in additional1] unique2 = [names2[n] for n in additional2] return unique1, unique2 async def _schedule_worker(self) -> None: # run forever while True: # need update? if self._need_update and self._initial_update_done: # reset need for update self._need_update = False try: # prepare scheduler blocks, start, end, constraints = await self._prepare_schedule() # schedule scheduled_blocks = await self._schedule_blocks(blocks, start, end, constraints) # finish schedule await self._finish_schedule(scheduled_blocks, start) except ValueError as e: log.warning(str(e)) # sleep a little await asyncio.sleep(1) async def _prepare_schedule(self) -> Tuple[List[ObservingBlock], Time, Time, List[Any]]: """TaskSchedule blocks.""" # only global constraint is the night if self._twilight == "astronomical": constraints = [astroplan.AtNightConstraint.twilight_astronomical()] elif self._twilight == "nautical": constraints = [astroplan.AtNightConstraint.twilight_nautical()] else: raise ValueError("Unknown twilight type.") # make shallow copies of all blocks and loop them copied_blocks = [copy.copy(block) for block in self._blocks] for block in copied_blocks: # astroplan's PriorityScheduler expects lower priorities to be more important, so calculate # 1000 - priority block.priority = 1000.0 - block.priority if block.priority < 0: block.priority = 0 # it also doesn't match the requested observing windows exactly, so we make them a little smaller. for constraint in block.constraints: if isinstance(constraint, astroplan.TimeConstraint): constraint.min += 30 * u.second constraint.max -= 30 * u.second # get start time for scheduler start = self._schedule_start now_plus_safety = + self._safety_time * u.second if start is None or start < now_plus_safety: # if no ETA exists or is in the past, use safety time start = now_plus_safety # get running scheduled block, if any if self._current_task_id is None:"No running block found.") running_task = None else: # get running task from archive"Trying to find running block in current schedule...") tasks = await self._schedule.get_schedule() if self._current_task_id in tasks: running_task = tasks[self._current_task_id] else:"Running block not found in last schedule.") running_task = None # if start is before end time of currently running block, change that if running_task is not None:"Found running block that ends at %s.", running_task.end) # get block end plus some safety block_end = running_task.end + 10.0 * u.second if start < block_end: start = block_end"Start time would be within currently running block, shifting to %s.", start.isot) # calculate end time end = start + TimeDelta(self._schedule_range * u.hour) # remove currently running block and filter by start time blocks: List[ObservingBlock] = [] for b in filter(lambda x: x.configuration["request"]["id"] != self._current_task_id, copied_blocks): time_constraint_found = False # loop all constraints for c in b.constraints: if isinstance(c, astroplan.TimeConstraint): # we found a time constraint time_constraint_found = True # does the window start before the end of the scheduling range? if c.min < end: # yes, store block and break loop blocks.append(b) break else: # loop has finished without breaking # if no time constraint has been found, we still take the block if time_constraint_found is False: blocks.append(b) # if need new update, skip here if self._need_update: raise ValueError("Not running scheduler, since update was requested.") # no blocks found? if len(blocks) == 0: await self._schedule.set_schedule([], start) raise ValueError("No blocks left for scheduling.") # return all return blocks, start, end, constraints async def _schedule_blocks( self, blocks: List[ObservingBlock], start: Time, end: Time, constraints: List[Any] ) -> List[ObservingBlock]: # run actual scheduler in separate process and wait for it qout: mp.Queue = mp.Queue() p = mp.Process(target=self._schedule_process, args=(blocks, start, end, constraints, qout)) p.start() # wait for process to finish # note that the process only finishes, when the queue is empty! so we have to poll the queue first # and then the process. loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() scheduled_blocks: List[ObservingBlock] = await loop.run_in_executor(None, qout.get, True) await loop.run_in_executor(None, p.join) return scheduled_blocks async def _finish_schedule(self, scheduled_blocks: List[ObservingBlock], start: Time) -> None: # if need new update, skip here if self._need_update:"Not using scheduler results, since update was requested.") return # update await self._schedule.set_schedule(scheduled_blocks, start) if len(scheduled_blocks) > 0:"Finished calculating schedule for %d block(s):", len(scheduled_blocks)) for i, block in enumerate(scheduled_blocks, 1): " #%d: %s to %s (%.1f)", block.configuration["request"]["id"], block.start_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), block.end_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), block.priority, ) else:"Finished calculating schedule for 0 blocks.") def _schedule_process( self, blocks: List[ObservingBlock], start: Time, end: Time, constraints: List[Any], scheduled_blocks: mp.Queue, ) -> None: """Actually do the scheduling, usually run in a separate process.""" # log it"Calculating schedule for %d schedulable block(s) starting at %s...", len(blocks), start) # we don't need any transitions transitioner = astroplan.Transitioner() # create scheduler scheduler = astroplan.PriorityScheduler(constraints,, transitioner=transitioner) # run scheduler time_range = astroplan.Schedule(start, end) schedule = scheduler(blocks, time_range) # put scheduled blocks in queue scheduled_blocks.put(schedule.scheduled_blocks)
[docs] async def run(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Trigger a re-schedule.""" self._need_update = True
async def _on_task_started(self, event: Event, sender: str) -> bool: """Re-schedule when task has started and we can predict its end. Args: event: The task started event. sender: Who sent it. """ if not isinstance(event, TaskStartedEvent): return False # store it self._current_task_id = self._last_task_id = # trigger? if self._trigger_on_task_started: # get ETA in minutes eta = (event.eta - / 60"Received task started event with ETA of %.0f minutes, triggering new scheduler run...", eta) # set it self._need_update = True self._schedule_start = event.eta return True async def _on_task_finished(self, event: Event, sender: str) -> bool: """Reset current task, when it has finished. Args: event: The task finished event. sender: Who sent it. """ if not isinstance(event, TaskFinishedEvent): return False # reset current task self._current_task_id = None # trigger? if self._trigger_on_task_finished: # get ETA in minutes"Received task finished event, triggering new scheduler run...") # set it self._need_update = True self._schedule_start = return True async def _on_good_weather(self, event: Event, sender: str) -> bool: """Re-schedule on incoming good weather event. Args: event: The good weather event. sender: Who sent it. """ if not isinstance(event, GoodWeatherEvent): return False # get ETA in minutes eta = (event.eta - / 60"Received good weather event with ETA of %.0f minutes, triggering new scheduler run...", eta) # set it self._need_update = True self._schedule_start = event.eta return True
[docs] async def abort(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: pass
__all__ = ["Scheduler"]