Source code for pyobs.mixins.fitsheader

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import math
import os
from import Coroutine
from typing import Union, Dict, Any, Tuple, Optional, List, cast
import astropy.units as u
from import fits

from pyobs.images import Image
from pyobs.interfaces import IFitsHeaderBefore, IFitsHeaderAfter
from pyobs.modules import Module
from pyobs.utils.fits import format_filename
from pyobs.utils import exceptions as exc
from pyobs.utils.time import Time

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class FitsHeaderMixin:
    """Helper methods for all modules that implement IImageGrabber."""

    __module__ = "pyobs.mixins"

    def __init__(
        fits_namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        fits_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        filenames: str = "/cache/pyobs-{DAY-OBS|date:}-{FRAMENUM|string:04d}.fits",
        frame_number: bool = True,
        night_obs: bool = True,
        **kwargs: Any,
        """Initialise the mixin.

            fits_namespaces: List of namespaces for FITS headers that this camera should request.
            fits_headers: Additional FITS headers.
            filename: Filename pattern for FITS images.
            frame_number: Whether to add frame number to FITS file header.
            night_obs: If True, DAY-OBS will contain the night of observation, not the calendar day.
        module = cast(Module, self)

        # store
        self._fitsheadermixin_fits_namespaces = fits_namespaces
        self._fitsheadermixin_filename_pattern = filenames
        self._fitsheadermixin_fits_headers = fits_headers if fits_headers is not None else {}
        if "OBSERVER" not in self._fitsheadermixin_fits_headers:
            self._fitsheadermixin_fits_headers["OBSERVER"] = ["pyobs", "Name of observer"]
        self._fitsheadermixin_night_obs = night_obs

        # night exposure number
        self._fitsheadermixin_cache = "/pyobs/modules/%s/cache.yaml" %
        self._fitsheadermixin_enable_frame_number = frame_number
        self._fitsheadermixin_frame_number = 0

[docs] async def request_fits_headers(self, before: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Coroutine]: """Request FITS headers from other modules. Returns: Futures from all modules. """ # init futures: Dict[str, Coroutine] = {} # we can only do this with a comm module module = cast(Module, self) if module.comm: # get clients that provide fits headers clients = await module.comm.clients_with_interface(IFitsHeaderBefore if before else IFitsHeaderAfter) # create and run a threads in which the fits headers are fetched for client in clients: log.debug("Requesting FITS headers from %s...", client) if before: proxy1 = await module.proxy(client, IFitsHeaderBefore) futures[client] = proxy1.get_fits_header_before(self._fitsheadermixin_fits_namespaces) else: proxy2 = await module.proxy(client, IFitsHeaderAfter) futures[client] = proxy2.get_fits_header_after(self._fitsheadermixin_fits_namespaces) # finished return futures
[docs] async def add_requested_fits_headers( self, image: Union[Image, fits.PrimaryHDU], futures: Dict[str, Coroutine] ) -> None: """Add requested FITS headers to header of given image. Args: image: Image with header to add to. futures: Futures to get headers from. """ # get fits headers from other clients for client, future in futures.items(): # join thread"Fetching FITS headers from %s...", client) try: headers = await future except exc.RemoteError as e: log.warning("Could not fetch FITS headers from %s: %s.", client, str(e)) continue # add them to fits file if headers: log.debug("Adding additional FITS headers from %s..." % client) for key, value in headers.items(): # if value is not a string, it may be a list of value and comment if isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, str): # convert list to tuple image.header[key] = tuple(value) else: image.header[key] = value
[docs] async def add_fits_headers(self, image: Union[Image, fits.PrimaryHDU]) -> None: """Add requested FITS headers to header of given image. Args: image: Image with header to add to. """ # add HDU name image.header["EXTNAME"] = "SCI" # add static fits headers for key, value in self._fitsheadermixin_fits_headers.items(): image.header[key] = tuple(value) # add more fits headers self._fitsheadermixin_add_fits_headers(image) if self._fitsheadermixin_enable_frame_number: await self._fitsheadermixin_add_framenum(image)
[docs] def _fitsheadermixin_add_fits_headers(self, image: Union[Image, fits.PrimaryHDU]) -> None: """Add FITS header keywords to the given FITS header. Args: image: Image with header to add to. """ module = cast(Module, self) # get header hdr = image.header # we definitely need a DATE-OBS and IMAGETYP!! if "DATE-OBS" not in hdr: log.warning("No DATE-OBS found in FITS header, adding NO further information!") return # get date obs date_obs = Time(hdr["DATE-OBS"]) # set MJD-OBS hdr["MJD-OBS"] = date_obs.mjd # UT1-UTC hdr["UT1_UTC"] = (float(date_obs.delta_ut1_utc), "UT1-UTC") # basic stuff hdr["EQUINOX"] = (2000.0, "Equinox of celestial coordinate system") # do we have a location? if module.location is not None: loc = module.location # add location of telescope hdr["LONGITUD"] = (float(, "Longitude of the telescope [deg E]") hdr["LATITUDE"] = (float(, "Latitude of the telescope [deg N]") hdr["HEIGHT"] = (float(loc.height.value), "Altitude of the telescope [m]") # add local sidereal time if is not None: lst = hdr["LST"] = (lst.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=":"), "Local sidereal time") # date of night this observation is in if self._fitsheadermixin_night_obs: hdr["DAY-OBS"] = (date_obs.night_obs("%Y-%m-%d"), "Night of observation") else: hdr["DAY-OBS"] = (date_obs.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "Day of observation")
[docs] async def _fitsheadermixin_add_framenum(self, image: Union[Image, fits.PrimaryHDU]) -> None: """Add FRAMENUM keyword to header Args: image: Image with header to add to. """ module = cast(Module, self) # get header hdr = image.header # get night from header night = hdr["DAY-OBS"] # increase night exp self._fitsheadermixin_frame_number += 1 # do we have a cache? if self._fitsheadermixin_cache is not None: # try to load it try: # load cache cache = await module.vfs.read_yaml(self._fitsheadermixin_cache) # get new number if cache is not None and "framenum" in cache: self._fitsheadermixin_frame_number = cache["framenum"] + 1 # if nights differ, reset count if cache is not None and "night" in cache and night != cache["night"]: self._fitsheadermixin_frame_number = 1 except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): pass # write file try: await module.vfs.write_yaml( self._fitsheadermixin_cache, {"night": night, "framenum": self._fitsheadermixin_frame_number} ) except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): log.warning("Could not write camera cache file.") # set it hdr["FRAMENUM"] = self._fitsheadermixin_frame_number
[docs] def format_filename(self, image: Union[Image, fits.PrimaryHDU]) -> Optional[str]: """Format filename according to given pattern and store in header of image. Args: image: Image with header to add to. """ # no pattern? if self._fitsheadermixin_filename_pattern is None: return None # create a temporary filename filename = format_filename(image.header, self._fitsheadermixin_filename_pattern) if filename is None: return None # set it image.header["ORIGNAME"] = (os.path.basename(filename), "The original file name") image.header["FNAME"] = (os.path.basename(filename), "FITS file file name") return filename
class ImageFitsHeaderMixin(FitsHeaderMixin): """Helper methods for all modules that need FITS headers for an image.""" __module__ = "pyobs.mixins" def __init__(self, centre: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, rotation: float = 0.0, **kwargs: Any): """Initialise the mixin. Args: fits_namespaces: List of namespaces for FITS headers that this camera should request. fits_headers: Additional FITS headers. centre: (x, y) tuple of camera centre. rotation: Rotation east of north. filename: Filename pattern for FITS images. """ FitsHeaderMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) # store self._fitsheadermixin_centre = centre self._fitsheadermixin_rotation = rotation @property def rotation(self) -> float: return self._fitsheadermixin_rotation @property def centre(self) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]: return self._fitsheadermixin_centre
[docs] def _fitsheadermixin_add_fits_headers(self, image: Union[Image, fits.PrimaryHDU]) -> None: """Add FITS header keywords to the given FITS header. Args: image: Image with header to add to. """ # parent method FitsHeaderMixin._fitsheadermixin_add_fits_headers(self, image) # get header hdr = image.header # convenience function to return value of keyword def v(k: str) -> Any: return hdr[k][0] if isinstance(k, list) or isinstance(k, tuple) else hdr[k] # set CRVAL1/2 from RA/Dec if "TEL-RA" in hdr and "TEL-DEC" in hdr: hdr["CRVAL1"] = hdr["TEL-RA"] hdr["CRVAL2"] = hdr["TEL-DEC"] # pixel size in world coordinates if "DET-PIXL" in hdr and "TEL-FOCL" in hdr and "DET-BIN1" in hdr and "DET-BIN2" in hdr: tmp = 360.0 / (2.0 * math.pi) * v("DET-PIXL") / v("TEL-FOCL") hdr["CDELT1"] = (-tmp * v("DET-BIN1"), "Coordinate increment on x-axis [deg/px]") hdr["CDELT2"] = (+tmp * v("DET-BIN2"), "Coordinate increment on y-axis [deg/px]") hdr["CUNIT1"] = ("deg", "Units of CRVAL1, CDELT1") hdr["CUNIT2"] = ("deg", "Units of CRVAL2, CDELT2") hdr["WCSAXES"] = (2, "Number of WCS axes") else: log.warning("Could not calculate CDELT1/CDELT2 (DET-PIXL/TEL-FOCL/DET-BIN1/DET-BIN2 missing).") # centre pixel if self._fitsheadermixin_centre is not None: hdr["DET-CPX1"] = (self._fitsheadermixin_centre[0], "x-pixel on mechanical axis in unbinned image") hdr["DET-CPX2"] = (self._fitsheadermixin_centre[1], "y-pixel on mechanical axis in unbinned image") else: log.warning("Could not calculate DET-CPX1/DET-CPX2 (centre not given in config).") # reference pixel in binned image if "DET-CPX1" in hdr and "DET-BIN1" in hdr and "DET-CPX2" in hdr and "DET-BIN2" in hdr: # offset? off_x, off_y = 0, 0 if "XORGSUBF" in hdr and "YORGSUBF" in hdr: off_x = v("XORGSUBF") if "XORGSUBF" in hdr else 0.0 off_y = v("YORGSUBF") if "YORGSUBF" in hdr else 0.0 hdr["CRPIX1"] = ((v("DET-CPX1") - off_x) / v("DET-BIN1"), "Reference x-pixel position in binned image") hdr["CRPIX2"] = ((v("DET-CPX2") - off_y) / v("DET-BIN2"), "Reference y-pixel position in binned image") else: log.warning( "Could not calculate CRPIX1/CRPIX2 " "(XORGSUBF/YORGSUBF/DET-CPX1/TEL-CPX2/DET-BIN1/DET-BIN2) missing." ) # only add all this stuff for OBJECT images if "IMAGETYP" not in hdr or hdr["IMAGETYP"] not in ["dark", "bias"]: # projection, only override if not already set if "CTYPE1" not in hdr: hdr["CTYPE1"] = ("RA---TAN", "RA in tangent plane projection") if "CTYPE2" not in hdr: hdr["CTYPE2"] = ("DEC--TAN", "Dec in tangent plane projection") # PC matrix: rotation only, shift comes from CDELT1/2 if self._fitsheadermixin_rotation is not None: theta_rad = math.radians(self._fitsheadermixin_rotation) cos_theta = math.cos(theta_rad) sin_theta = math.sin(theta_rad) hdr["PC1_1"] = (+cos_theta, "Partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. x") hdr["PC1_2"] = (-sin_theta, "Partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. y") hdr["PC2_1"] = (+sin_theta, "Partial of second axis coordinate w.r.t. x") hdr["PC2_2"] = (+cos_theta, "Partial of second axis coordinate w.r.t. y") else: log.warning("Could not calculate CD matrix (rotation or CDELT1/CDELT2 missing.")
class SpectrumFitsHeaderMixin(FitsHeaderMixin): """Helper methods for all modules that need FITS headers for an image.""" __module__ = "pyobs.mixins" pass __all__ = ["FitsHeaderMixin", "ImageFitsHeaderMixin", "SpectrumFitsHeaderMixin"]