Source code for pyobs_asi.asicamera

import asyncio
import logging
import math
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Tuple, Any, Dict, Optional

import numpy as np
import zwoasi as asi  # type: ignore

from pyobs.interfaces import ICamera, IWindow, IBinning, ICooling, IImageFormat, IAbortable, ITemperatures, IGain
from import BaseCamera
from pyobs.utils.enums import ImageFormat, ExposureStatus
from pyobs.images import Image
from pyobs.utils.parallel import event_wait
from pyobs.utils import exceptions as exc

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# map of image formats
    ImageFormat.INT8: asi.ASI_IMG_RAW8,
    ImageFormat.INT16: asi.ASI_IMG_RAW16,
    ImageFormat.RGB24: asi.ASI_IMG_RGB24,

class AsiCamera(BaseCamera, ICamera, IWindow, IBinning, IImageFormat, IAbortable, IGain, ITemperatures):
    """A pyobs module for ASI cameras."""

    __module__ = "pyobs_asi"

    def __init__(self, camera: str, sdk: str = "/usr/local/lib/", **kwargs: Any):
        """Initializes a new AsiCamera.

            camera: Name of camera to use.
            sdk: Path to .so file from ASI SDK.
        BaseCamera.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        # variables
        self._camera_name = camera
        self._sdk_path = sdk
        self._camera: Optional[asi.Camera] = None
        self._camera_info: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        # window and binning and mode
        self._window = (0, 0, 0, 0)
        self._binning = 1
        self._image_format = ImageFormat.INT16

        self._gain: float = 1.0

    async def open(self) -> None:
        """Open module."""

        # init driver

        # get number of cameras
        num_cameras = asi.get_num_cameras()
        if num_cameras == 0:
            raise ValueError("No cameras found")

        # get ID of camera
        # index() raises ValueError, if camera could not be found
        cameras_found = asi.list_cameras()
        camera_id = cameras_found.index(self._camera_name)

        # open driver
        self._camera = asi.Camera(camera_id)
        self._camera_info = self._camera.get_camera_property()"Camera info:")
        for key, val in self._camera_info.items():
  "  - %s: %s", key, val)

        # Set some sensible defaults. They will need adjusting depending upon
        # the sensitivity, lens and lighting conditions used.
        self._camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_WB_B, 99)
        self._camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_WB_R, 75)
        self._camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_GAMMA, 50)
        self._camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_BRIGHTNESS, 50)
        self._camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_FLIP, 0)

        # enabling image mode

        # get initial window and binning
        self._binning = self._camera.get_bin()
        self._window = self._camera.get_roi()

    async def get_full_frame(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
        """Returns full size of CCD.

            Tuple with left, top, width, and height set.
        return 0, 0, self._camera_info["MaxWidth"], self._camera_info["MaxHeight"]

    async def get_window(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
        """Returns the camera window.

            Tuple with left, top, width, and height set.
        return self._window

    async def get_binning(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        """Returns the camera binning.

            Tuple with x and y.
        return self._binning, self._binning

    async def set_window(self, left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Set the camera window.

            left: X offset of window.
            top: Y offset of window.
            width: Width of window.
            height: Height of window.

            ValueError: If binning could not be set.
        self._window = (left, top, width, height)"Setting window to %dx%d at %d,%d...", width, height, left, top)

    async def set_binning(self, x: int, y: int, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Set the camera binning.

            x: X binning.
            y: Y binning.

            ValueError: If binning could not be set.
        self._binning = x"Setting binning to %dx%d...", x, x)

    async def list_binnings(self, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
        """List available binnings.

            List of available binnings as (x, y) tuples.

        if "SupportedBins" in self._camera_info:
            # create list of tuples
            return [(b, b) for b in self._camera_info["SupportedBins"]]
            return []

    async def _expose(self, exposure_time: float, open_shutter: bool, abort_event: asyncio.Event) -> Image:
        """Actually do the exposure, should be implemented by derived classes.

            exposure_time: The requested exposure time in s.
            open_shutter: Whether or not to open the shutter.
            abort_event: Event that gets triggered when exposure should be aborted.

            The actual image.

            GrabImageError: If exposure was not successful.

        # no camera?
        if self._camera is None:
            raise ValueError("No camera initialised.")

        # get image format
        image_format = FORMATS[self._image_format]

        # set window, divide width/height by binning
        width = int(math.floor(self._window[2]) / self._binning)
        height = int(math.floor(self._window[3]) / self._binning)
            "Set window to %dx%d (binned %dx%d with %dx%d) at %d,%d.",
        self._camera.set_roi(int(self._window[0]), int(self._window[1]), width, height, self._binning, image_format)

        # set status and exposure time in ms
        self._camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_EXPOSURE, int(exposure_time * 1e6))

        # set gain
        self._camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_GAIN, int(self._gain))
            "Starting exposure with %s shutter for %s seconds and %s gain...", "open"
            if open_shutter else "closed", exposure_time, self._gain

        # do exposure
        await asyncio.sleep(0.01)

        # wait for image
        while self._camera.get_exposure_status() == asi.ASI_EXP_WORKING:
            # aborted?
            if abort_event.is_set():
                await self._change_exposure_status(ExposureStatus.IDLE)
                raise InterruptedError("Aborted exposure.")

            # sleep a little
            await event_wait(abort_event, 0.01)

        # success?
        status = self._camera.get_exposure_status()
        if status != asi.ASI_EXP_SUCCESS:
            raise exc.GrabImageError("Could not capture image: %s" % status)

        # get data"Exposure finished, reading out...")
        await self._change_exposure_status(ExposureStatus.READOUT)
        buffer = self._camera.get_data_after_exposure()

        whbi = self._camera.get_roi_format()

        # decide on image format
        shape = [whbi[1], whbi[0]]
        if image_format == asi.ASI_IMG_RAW8:
            data = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=np.uint8)
        elif image_format == asi.ASI_IMG_RAW16:
            data = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=np.uint16)
        elif image_format == asi.ASI_IMG_RGB24:
            data = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=np.uint8)
            raise exc.GrabImageError("Unknown image format.")

        # reshape
        data = data.reshape(shape)

        # special treatment for RGB images
        if image_format == asi.ASI_IMG_RGB24:
            # convert BGR to RGB
            data = data[:, :, ::-1]

            # now we need to separate the R, G, and B images
            # this is easiest done by shifting the RGB axis from last to first position
            # i.e. we go from RGBRGBRGBRGBRGB to RRRRRGGGGGBBBBB
            data = np.moveaxis(data, 2, 0)

        # get date obs
        date_obs = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")

        # create FITS image and set header
        image = Image(data)
        image.header["DATE-OBS"] = (date_obs, "Date and time of start of exposure")
        image.header["EXPTIME"] = (exposure_time, "Exposure time [s]")

        # instrument and detector
        image.header["INSTRUME"] = (self._camera_name, "Name of instrument")

        # binning
        image.header["XBINNING"] = image.header["DET-BIN1"] = (self._binning, "Binning factor used on X axis")
        image.header["YBINNING"] = image.header["DET-BIN2"] = (self._binning, "Binning factor used on Y axis")

        # window
        image.header["XORGSUBF"] = (self._window[0], "Subframe origin on X axis")
        image.header["YORGSUBF"] = (self._window[1], "Subframe origin on Y axis")

        # statistics
        image.header["DATAMIN"] = (float(np.min(data)), "Minimum data value")
        image.header["DATAMAX"] = (float(np.max(data)), "Maximum data value")
        image.header["DATAMEAN"] = (float(np.mean(data)), "Mean data value")

        # pixels
        image.header["DET-PIXL"] = (self._camera_info["PixelSize"] / 1000.0, "Size of detector pixels (square) [mm]")
        image.header["DET-GAIN"] = (self._camera_info["ElecPerADU"] * self._gain, "Detector gain [e-/ADU]")

        # Bayer pattern?
        if image_format in [asi.ASI_IMG_RAW8, asi.ASI_IMG_RAW16]:
            image.header["BAYERPAT"] = image.header["COLORTYP"] = ("GBRG", "Bayer pattern for colors")

        # temperature
        temperature = self._get_temperature()
        image.header["DET-TEMP"] = (temperature, "CCD temperature [C]")

        # biassec/trimsec
        self.set_biassec_trimsec(image.header, *self._window)

        # return FITS image"Readout finished.")
        return image

    async def _abort_exposure(self) -> None:
        """Abort the running exposure. Should be implemented by derived class.

            ValueError: If an error occured.

    async def set_image_format(self, fmt: ImageFormat, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Set the camera image format.

            fmt: New image format.

            ValueError: If format could not be set.
        if fmt not in FORMATS:
            raise ValueError("Unsupported image format.")
        self._image_format = fmt

    async def get_image_format(self, **kwargs: Any) -> ImageFormat:
        """Returns the camera image format.

            Current image format.
        return self._image_format

    async def list_image_formats(self, **kwargs: Any) -> List[str]:
        """List available image formats.

            List of available image formats.
        return [f.value for f in FORMATS.keys()]

    async def get_temperatures(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, float]:
        temperature = self._get_temperature()
        return {"CCD": temperature}

    def _get_temperature(self) -> float:
        Gets the temperature from the camera.

        Reading is divided by 10, since ASI_TEMPERATURE returns temp * 10
        return self._camera.get_control_value(asi.ASI_TEMPERATURE)[0] / 10

    async def set_gain(self, gain: float, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Set the camera gain.

            gain: New camera gain.

            ValueError: If gain could not be set.
        self._gain = gain

    async def get_gain(self, **kwargs: Any) -> float:
        """Returns the camera gain.

            Current gain.
        return self._gain

[docs] class AsiCoolCamera(AsiCamera, ICooling): """A pyobs module for ASI cameras with cooling.""" def __init__(self, setpoint: int = -20, **kwargs: Any): """Initializes a new AsiCoolCamera. Args: setpoint: Cooling temperature setpoint. """ AsiCamera.__init__(self, **kwargs) # variables self._temp_setpoint = setpoint
[docs] async def open(self) -> None: """Open module.""" await # no cooling support? if not self._camera_info["IsCoolerCam"]: raise ValueError("Camera has no support for cooling.") # activate cooling await self.set_cooling(True, self._temp_setpoint)
[docs] async def get_cooling(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[bool, float, float]: """Returns the current status for the cooling. Returns: Tuple containing: Enabled (bool): Whether the cooling is enabled SetPoint (float): Setpoint for the cooling in celsius. Power (float): Current cooling power in percent or None. """ # no camera? if self._camera is None: raise ValueError("No camera initialised.") # return enabled = self._camera.get_control_value(asi.ASI_COOLER_ON)[0] temp = self._camera.get_control_value(asi.ASI_TARGET_TEMP)[0] power = self._camera.get_control_value(asi.ASI_COOLER_POWER_PERC)[0] return enabled, temp, power
[docs] async def get_temperatures(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, float]: """Returns all temperatures measured by this module. Returns: Dict containing temperatures. """ # no camera? if self._camera is None: raise ValueError("No camera initialised.") # return return {"CCD": self._camera.get_control_value(asi.ASI_TEMPERATURE)[0] / 10.0}
[docs] async def set_cooling(self, enabled: bool, setpoint: float, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Enables/disables cooling and sets setpoint. Args: enabled: Enable or disable cooling. setpoint: Setpoint in celsius for the cooling. Raises: ValueError: If cooling could not be set. """ # no camera? if self._camera is None: raise ValueError("No camera initialised.") # log if enabled:"Enabling cooling with a setpoint of %.2f°C...", setpoint) self._camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_TARGET_TEMP, int(setpoint)) self._camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_COOLER_ON, 1) else:"Disabling cooling...") self._camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_COOLER_ON, 0)
__all__ = ["AsiCamera", "AsiCoolCamera"]