Source code for pyobs.comm.dbus.dbuscomm

from __future__ import annotations

# patch dbus-next to provide sender name
from .patch import patch


import asyncio
import json
import logging
import re
import sys
import types
import inspect
import uuid
from enum import Enum
from typing import (
from dbus_next.aio import MessageBus
import dbus_next.service

from pyobs.comm import Comm
from import ModuleOpenedEvent, ModuleClosedEvent, Event
from import EventFactory
from pyobs.interfaces import Interface
from pyobs.utils.parallel import Future

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

NONE_VALUES = {str: "NONE", int: sys.maxsize, float: sys.maxsize, list: ["EMPTY"]}

class ServiceInterface(dbus_next.service.ServiceInterface):
    def __init__(self, interface: str, comm: DbusComm, pyobs_interfaces: List[str]):
        dbus_next.service.ServiceInterface.__init__(self, interface)
        self._interfaces = pyobs_interfaces
        self._comm = comm

    def get_interfaces(self) -> "as":
        return self._interfaces

    async def handle_event(self, event: "s", sender):
        # convert event to dict
            d = json.loads(event.replace("'", '"'))
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:

        # create event
        ev = EventFactory.from_dict(d)

        # get real sender
        real_sender = await self._comm.get_dbus_owner(sender)

        # handle it
        await self._comm.handle_event(ev, real_sender)

    def set_timeout(self, uid: "s", timeout: "d"):
        self._comm.set_timeout(uid, timeout)

class DbusMethod(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, *args: Any) -> Any:

class DbusComm(Comm):
    """A Comm class using cbus.

    This Comm class uses dbus for communication between modules and is therefore available on all (most) Linux
    systems. The interface name for the bus is build as <domain>.<name> and this class will only find other modules
    with the same domain, so it should be kept constant in a closed system. The name on the other hand should be
    unique in the system.

    A basic configuration looks like this::

            class: pyobs.dbus.DbusComm
            name: example

    __module__ = "pyobs.comm.dbus"

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        domain: str = "org.pyobs.module",
        *args: Any,
        **kwargs: Any,
        """Create a new dbus Comm module.

            name: Name for export.
            domain: Domain for export.
        Comm.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        # variables
        self._name = name
        self._domain = domain
        self._dbus: Optional[MessageBus] = None
        self._dbus_classes: Dict[str, dbus_next.service.ServiceInterface] = {}
        self._dbus_introspection: Optional[dbus_next.aio.ProxyInterface] = None
        self._dbus_introspection_cache: Dict[str, dbus_next.introspection.Node] = {}
        self._interfaces: Dict[str, List[Type[Interface]]] = {}
        self._futures: Dict[str, Future] = {}

[docs] async def open(self) -> None: """Creates the dbus connection.""" # create client self._dbus = await MessageBus().connect() if not self._dbus: raise ValueError("Could not create DBUS connection.") # build and publish classes self._build_dbus_classes() for interface, obj in self._dbus_classes.items(): self._dbus.export("/" + interface.replace(".", "/"), obj) await self._dbus.request_name(interface) # get object for introspection introspection = await self._dbus.introspect("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus") proxy_object = self._dbus.get_proxy_object("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", introspection) if not proxy_object: raise ValueError("Could not fetch proxy object for DBUS.") self._dbus_introspection = proxy_object.get_interface("org.freedesktop.DBus") # get client list await self._update_client_list() # update task asyncio.create_task(self._update()) # open Comm await
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """Close connection.""" # close parent class await Comm.close(self) # disconnect from dbus if self._dbus: self._dbus.disconnect()
async def _update(self) -> None: """Periodic updates.""" while True: await self._update_client_list() await asyncio.sleep(5) async def _update_client_list(self) -> None: """Update list of clients.""" # check if self._dbus_introspection is None: return # get all interfaces containing "pyobs" x = await self._dbus_introspection.call_list_names() data = list(filter(lambda d: self._domain in d, x)) # get all modules: first run regexp on all entries and then cut by length of prefix prefix = self._domain + "." r = re.compile(prefix + r"(\w+)$") modules = list(map(lambda d: d[len(prefix) :], filter(r.match, data))) # get interfaces interfaces: Dict[str, List[Type[Interface]]] = {} for m in modules: prefix = f"{self._domain}.{m}.interfaces." iface_names = list(map(lambda d: d[len(prefix) :], filter(lambda d: d.startswith(prefix), data))) interfaces[m] = self._interface_names_to_classes(iface_names) # loop newly connected modules except myself for m in list(set(interfaces.keys()) - set(self._interfaces.keys()) - {self._name}): # send event self._send_event_to_module(ModuleOpenedEvent(), m) # loop freshly disconnected modules except myself for m in list(set(self._interfaces.keys()) - set(interfaces.keys()) - {self._name}): # send event self._send_event_to_module(ModuleClosedEvent(), m) # store interfaces self._interfaces = interfaces def _annotation_to_dbus(self, annotation: Any) -> Any: if hasattr(annotation, "__origin__") and annotation.__origin__ == list: # lists return "a" + self._annotation_to_dbus(get_args(annotation)[0]) elif hasattr(annotation, "__origin__") and annotation.__origin__ == tuple: # tuples return "(" + "".join([self._annotation_to_dbus(a) for a in get_args(annotation)]) + ")" elif hasattr(annotation, "__origin__") and annotation.__origin__ == dict: # dicts return "a{" + "".join([self._annotation_to_dbus(a) for a in get_args(annotation)]) + "}" elif ( hasattr(annotation, "__origin__") and annotation.__origin__ is Union and type(None) in get_args(annotation) ): # optional parameter typ = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, get_args(annotation)))[0] return self._annotation_to_dbus(typ) elif inspect.isclass(annotation) and issubclass(annotation, Enum): return "s" else: try: return {int: "i", float: "d", str: "s", bool: "b", Any: "s"}[annotation] except KeyError: raise def _build_dbus_signature(self, sig: inspect.Signature) -> inspect.Signature: # build list of parameters new_params: List[inspect.Parameter] = [] # real parameters for name, param in sig.parameters.items(): # ignore kwargs if name == "kwargs": continue # get new annotation annotation = param.annotation if name == "self" else self._annotation_to_dbus(param.annotation) # build new param p = inspect.Parameter( name, kind=inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY if name == "self" else inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, annotation=annotation, ) # store it new_params.append(p) # add "s" at the end for uid new_params.append(inspect.Parameter("uid", kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, annotation="s")) # return type return_annotation = None if sig.return_annotation is None else self._annotation_to_dbus(sig.return_annotation) # create new signature return inspect.Signature(parameters=new_params, return_annotation=return_annotation) def _build_dbus_classes(self) -> None: # got a module? if self._module is not None: # main module main_klass = types.new_class(self._name, bases=(ServiceInterface,)) # loop all interfaces features for i in self._module.interfaces: # create class klass_name = f"{self._name}_{i.__name__}" interface = f"{self._domain}.{self._name}.interfaces.{i.__name__}" klass = types.new_class(klass_name, bases=(dbus_next.service.ServiceInterface,)) # loop all methods: for func_name, func in inspect.getmembers(i, predicate=inspect.isfunction): # get signature sig = inspect.signature(func) # set method my_func = types.MethodType(self._dbus_function_wrapper(func_name, sig), self) setattr(main_klass, func_name, my_func) # initialize it self._dbus_classes[interface] = klass(interface) # initialize main class interface = f"{self._domain}.{self._name}" self._dbus_classes[interface] = main_klass(interface, self, [i.__name__ for i in self._module.interfaces]) async def _get_dbus_introspection(self, client: str) -> Tuple[dbus_next.introspection.Node, str, str]: # check if self._dbus is None: raise ValueError("No connection") # get interface and path interface = f"{self._domain}.{client}" path = "/" + interface.replace(".", "/") # get introspection and return it if client not in self._dbus_introspection_cache: self._dbus_introspection_cache[client] = await self._dbus.introspect(interface, path) return self._dbus_introspection_cache[client], interface, path async def _get_dbus_method(self, client: str, method: str) -> DbusMethod: # check if self._dbus is None: raise ValueError("No connection") # get introspection, interface and path introspection, interface, path = await self._get_dbus_introspection(client) # get object and module obj = self._dbus.get_proxy_object(interface, path, introspection) module = obj.get_interface(interface) # get function return getattr(module, f"call_{method}") def _dbus_function_wrapper(self, method: str, sig: inspect.Signature) -> Any: """Function wrapper for dbus methods. Args: method: Name of method to wrap. Returns: Wrapper. """ async def inner(this: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: # check if self.module is None: return # get sender sender = None if "sender" in kwargs: # get real sender sender = await self.get_dbus_owner(kwargs["sender"]) del kwargs["sender"] # get uid uid = args[-1] args = args[:-1] # get method func, signature, _ = self._module.methods[method] # bind parameters ba = signature.bind(*args) ba.apply_defaults() # do we have a timeout? if hasattr(func, "timeout") and sender is not None: timeout = await getattr(func, "timeout")(self._module, **ba.arguments) if timeout: # get introspection, proxy and interface set_timeout = await self._get_dbus_method(sender, "set_timeout") await set_timeout(uid, int(timeout)) # call method return await self.module.execute(method, *args, sender=sender) # set signature inner.__signature__ = self._build_dbus_signature(sig) # TODO: Nicer way to do this? inner.__dict__["__DBUS_METHOD"] = dbus_next.service._Method( inner, method, disabled=False, sender_keyword="sender" ) return inner # return dbus_next.service.method(name=method)(inner)
[docs] async def get_dbus_owner(self, bus: str, attempts: int = 3) -> str: """Gets the owning module name for a given bus. Params: bus: Name of bus to find owner for. Returns: Owning module. """ # check if self._dbus_introspection is None: raise ValueError("No connection.") # loop all clients, get their owner, and check against bus for c in self.clients: try: owner = await self._dbus_introspection.call_get_name_owner(f"{self._domain}.{c}") except dbus_next.errors.DBusError: break if owner == bus: return c # nothing found if attempts > 0: await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await self._update_client_list() return await self.get_dbus_owner(bus, attempts - 1) else: raise ValueError("Owner not found.")
@property def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Name of this client.""" return self._name @property def clients(self) -> List[str]: """Returns list of currently connected clients. Returns: (list) List of currently connected clients. """ # return names return list(self._interfaces.keys())
[docs] async def get_interfaces(self, client: str) -> List[Type[Interface]]: """Returns list of interfaces for given client. Args: client: Name of client. Returns: List of supported interfaces. Raises: IndexError: If client cannot be found. """ # return list return self._interfaces[client]
async def _supports_interface(self, client: str, interface: Type[Interface]) -> bool: """Checks, whether the given client supports the given interface. Args: client: Client to check. interface: Interface to check. Returns: Whether or not interface is supported. """ # does it exist? return interface in self._interfaces[client]
[docs] async def execute(self, client: str, method: str, annotation: Dict[str, Any], *args: Any) -> Any: """Execute a given method on a remote client. Args: client (str): ID of client. method (str): Method to call. annotation: Method annotation. *args: List of parameters for given method. Returns: Passes through return from method call. """ # check if self._dbus is None: raise ValueError("No connection.") # create a future for this uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) future = Future(annotation=annotation, comm=self) self._futures[uid] = future # get method func = await self._get_dbus_method(client, method) # get method and call it in background asyncio.create_task(self._wait_for_method(func(*args, uid), uid)) # don't wait for response, just return future return await future
async def _wait_for_method(self, func: Awaitable[Any], uid: str) -> None: # wait for result result = await func # set result self._futures[uid].set_result(result)
[docs] def cast_to_simple_pre(self, value: Any, annotation: Optional[Any] = None) -> Tuple[bool, Any]: """Special treatment of single parameters when converting them to be sent via Comm. Args: value: Value to be treated. annotation: Annotation for value. Returns: A tuple containing a tuple that indicates whether this value should be further processed and a new value. """ if annotation == Any: # cast Anys to string return True, str(value) elif value is None and get_origin(annotation) == Union: # get types that are not None typs = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, get_args(annotation))) # loop them for typ in typs: if typ in NONE_VALUES: return True, NONE_VALUES[typ] elif get_origin(typ) in NONE_VALUES: return True, NONE_VALUES[get_origin(typ)] else: return True, value else: return True, value elif isinstance(value, tuple): return False, list(value) else: return False, value
[docs] def cast_to_real_pre(self, value: Any, annotation: Optional[Any] = None) -> Tuple[bool, Any]: """Special treatment of single parameters when converting them after being sent via Comm. Args: value: Value to be treated. annotation: Annotation for value. Returns: A tuple containing a tuple that indicates whether this value should be further processed and a new value. """ if annotation == Any: # try to guess type try: f = float(value) i = int(f) return True, i if f == i and "." not in value else f except ValueError: return True, value elif value in NONE_VALUES.values(): return True, None else: return False, value
[docs] async def send_event(self, event: Event) -> None: """Send an event to other clients. Args: event (Event): Event to send """ # check if self._dbus is None: raise ValueError("No connection.") # loop all clients for client in self.clients: # skip myself if client == self._name: continue # get function try: func = await self._get_dbus_method(client, "handle_event") except ValueError: # client offline? continue # call it await func(json.dumps(event.to_json()))
[docs] async def handle_event(self, event: Event, sender: str) -> None: """Handle event localy, i.e. send it to module. Args: event: Event to handle. sender: Sender of event. """ self._send_event_to_module(event, sender)
[docs] def set_timeout(self, uid: str, timeout: float) -> None: """Set timeout, usually received from other module. Args: uid: UID of remote call. timeout: Timeout in seconds. """ self._futures[uid].set_timeout(timeout)
__all__ = ["DbusComm"]