Telescopes (pyobs.modules.telescope)
Modules for telescopes. TODO: write doc
- class BaseTelescope(fits_headers: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, min_altitude: float = 10, wait_for_dome: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)
Base class for telescopes.
Initialize a new base telescope.
- Parameters:
fits_headers – Additional FITS headers to send.
min_altitude – Minimal altitude for telescope.
wait_for_dome – Name of dome module to wait for.
- async get_fits_header_before(namespaces: List[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Tuple[Any, str]] [source]
Returns FITS header for the current status of this module.
- Parameters:
namespaces – If given, only return FITS headers for the given namespaces.
- Returns:
Dictionary containing FITS headers.
- async move_altaz(alt: float, az: float, **kwargs: Any) None [source]
Moves to given coordinates.
- Parameters:
alt – Alt in deg to move to.
az – Az in deg to move to.
- Raises:
MoveError – If telescope cannot be moved.
- class DummyTelescope(world: SimWorld | None = None, **kwargs: Any)
A dummy telescope for testing.
Creates a new dummy telescope.
- Parameters:
world – Optional SimWorld object.
- async get_altaz(**kwargs: Any) Tuple[float, float] [source]
Returns current Alt and Az.
- Returns:
Tuple of current Alt and Az in degrees.
- async get_filter(**kwargs: Any) str [source]
Get currently set filter.
- Returns:
Name of currently set filter.
- async get_fits_header_before(namespaces: List[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Tuple[Any, str]] [source]
Returns FITS header for the current status of this module.
- Parameters:
namespaces – If given, only return FITS headers for the given namespaces.
- Returns:
Dictionary containing FITS headers.
- async get_focus_offset(**kwargs: Any) float [source]
Return current focus offset.
- Returns:
Current focus offset.
- async get_offsets_radec(**kwargs: Any) Tuple[float, float] [source]
Get RA/Dec offset.
- Returns:
Tuple with RA and Dec offsets.
- async get_radec(**kwargs: Any) Tuple[float, float] [source]
Returns current RA and Dec.
- Returns:
Tuple of current RA and Dec in degrees.
- async get_temperatures(**kwargs: Any) Dict[str, float] [source]
Returns all temperatures measured by this module.
- Returns:
Dict containing temperatures.
- async init(**kwargs: Any) None [source]
Initialize telescope.
- Raises:
InitError – If device could not be initialized.
- async is_ready(**kwargs: Any) bool [source]
Returns the device is “ready”, whatever that means for the specific device.
- Returns:
Whether device is ready
- async list_filters(**kwargs: Any) List[str] [source]
List available filters.
- Returns:
List of available filters.
- async park(**kwargs: Any) None [source]
Park telescope.
- Raises:
ParkError – If telescope could not be parked.
- async set_filter(filter_name: str, **kwargs: Any) None [source]
Set the current filter.
- Parameters:
filter_name – Name of filter to set.
- Raises:
MoveError – If filter wheel cannot be moved.
- async set_focus(focus: float, **kwargs: Any) None [source]
Sets new focus.
- Parameters:
focus – New focus value.
- Raises:
MoveError – If telescope cannot be moved.
- async set_focus_offset(offset: float, **kwargs: Any) None [source]
Sets focus offset.
- Parameters:
offset – New focus offset.
- Raises:
ValueError – If given value is invalid.
MoveError – If telescope cannot be moved.