Source code for pyobs.mixins.fitsheader

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import logging
import math
import os
from asyncio import Task
from import Coroutine
from typing import Union, Dict, Any, Tuple, Optional, List, cast
import astropy.units as u
from import fits

from pyobs.images import Image
from pyobs.interfaces import IFitsHeaderBefore, IFitsHeaderAfter
from pyobs.modules import Module
from pyobs.utils.fits import format_filename
from pyobs.utils import exceptions as exc
from pyobs.utils.time import Time

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class FitsHeaderMixin:
    """Helper methods for all modules that implement IImageGrabber."""

    __module__ = "pyobs.mixins"

    def __init__(
        fits_namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        fits_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        filenames: str = "/cache/pyobs-{DAY-OBS|date:}-{FRAMENUM|string:04d}.fits",
        frame_number: bool = True,
        night_obs: bool = True,
        **kwargs: Any,
        """Initialise the mixin.

            fits_namespaces: List of namespaces for FITS headers that this camera should request.
            fits_headers: Additional FITS headers.
            filename: Filename pattern for FITS images.
            frame_number: Whether to add frame number to FITS file header.
            night_obs: If True, DAY-OBS will contain the night of observation, not the calendar day.
        module = cast(Module, self)

        # store
        self._fitsheadermixin_fits_namespaces = fits_namespaces
        self._fitsheadermixin_filename_pattern = filenames
        self._fitsheadermixin_fits_headers = fits_headers if fits_headers is not None else {}
        if "OBSERVER" not in self._fitsheadermixin_fits_headers:
            self._fitsheadermixin_fits_headers["OBSERVER"] = ["pyobs", "Name of observer"]
        self._fitsheadermixin_night_obs = night_obs

        # night exposure number
        self._fitsheadermixin_cache = "/pyobs/modules/%s/cache.yaml" %
        self._fitsheadermixin_enable_frame_number = frame_number
        self._fitsheadermixin_frame_number = 0

[docs] async def request_fits_headers(self, before: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Coroutine]: """Request FITS headers from other modules. Returns: Futures from all modules. """ # init futures: Dict[str, Task] = {} # we can only do this with a comm module module = cast(Module, self) if module.comm: # get clients that provide fits headers clients = await module.comm.clients_with_interface(IFitsHeaderBefore if before else IFitsHeaderAfter) # create and run a threads in which the fits headers are fetched for client in clients: log.debug("Requesting FITS headers from %s...", client) if before: proxy1 = await module.proxy(client, IFitsHeaderBefore) futures[client] = asyncio.create_task( proxy1.get_fits_header_before(self._fitsheadermixin_fits_namespaces) ) else: proxy2 = await module.proxy(client, IFitsHeaderAfter) futures[client] = asyncio.create_task( proxy2.get_fits_header_after(self._fitsheadermixin_fits_namespaces) ) # finished return futures
[docs] async def add_requested_fits_headers( self, image: Union[Image, fits.PrimaryHDU], futures: Dict[str, Coroutine] ) -> None: """Add requested FITS headers to header of given image. Args: image: Image with header to add to. futures: Futures to get headers from. """ # get fits headers from other clients for client, future in futures.items(): # join thread"Fetching FITS headers from %s...", client) try: headers = await future except exc.RemoteError as e: log.warning("Could not fetch FITS headers from %s: %s.", client, str(e)) continue # add them to fits file if headers: log.debug("Adding additional FITS headers from %s..." % client) for key, value in headers.items(): # if value is not a string, it may be a list of value and comment if isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, str): # convert list to tuple image.header[key] = tuple(value) else: image.header[key] = value
[docs] async def add_fits_headers(self, image: Union[Image, fits.PrimaryHDU]) -> None: """Add requested FITS headers to header of given image. Args: image: Image with header to add to. """ # add HDU name image.header["EXTNAME"] = "SCI" # add static fits headers for key, value in self._fitsheadermixin_fits_headers.items(): image.header[key] = tuple(value) # add more fits headers self._fitsheadermixin_add_fits_headers(image) if self._fitsheadermixin_enable_frame_number: await self._fitsheadermixin_add_framenum(image)
[docs] def _fitsheadermixin_add_fits_headers(self, image: Union[Image, fits.PrimaryHDU]) -> None: """Add FITS header keywords to the given FITS header. Args: image: Image with header to add to. """ module = cast(Module, self) # get header hdr = image.header # we definitely need a DATE-OBS and IMAGETYP!! if "DATE-OBS" not in hdr: log.warning("No DATE-OBS found in FITS header, adding NO further information!") return # get date obs date_obs = Time(hdr["DATE-OBS"]) # set MJD-OBS hdr["MJD-OBS"] = date_obs.mjd # UT1-UTC hdr["UT1_UTC"] = (float(date_obs.delta_ut1_utc), "UT1-UTC") # basic stuff hdr["EQUINOX"] = (2000.0, "Equinox of celestial coordinate system") # do we have a location? if module.location is not None: loc = module.location # add location of telescope hdr["LONGITUD"] = (float(, "Longitude of the telescope [deg E]") hdr["LATITUDE"] = (float(, "Latitude of the telescope [deg N]") hdr["HEIGHT"] = (float(loc.height.value), "Altitude of the telescope [m]") # add local sidereal time if is not None: lst = hdr["LST"] = (lst.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=":"), "Local sidereal time") # date of night this observation is in if self._fitsheadermixin_night_obs: hdr["DAY-OBS"] = (date_obs.night_obs("%Y-%m-%d"), "Night of observation") else: hdr["DAY-OBS"] = (date_obs.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "Day of observation")
[docs] async def _fitsheadermixin_add_framenum(self, image: Union[Image, fits.PrimaryHDU]) -> None: """Add FRAMENUM keyword to header Args: image: Image with header to add to. """ module = cast(Module, self) # get header hdr = image.header # get night from header night = hdr["DAY-OBS"] # increase night exp self._fitsheadermixin_frame_number += 1 # do we have a cache? if self._fitsheadermixin_cache is not None: # try to load it try: # load cache cache = await module.vfs.read_yaml(self._fitsheadermixin_cache) # get new number if cache is not None and "framenum" in cache: self._fitsheadermixin_frame_number = cache["framenum"] + 1 # if nights differ, reset count if cache is not None and "night" in cache and night != cache["night"]: self._fitsheadermixin_frame_number = 1 except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): pass # write file try: await module.vfs.write_yaml( self._fitsheadermixin_cache, {"night": night, "framenum": self._fitsheadermixin_frame_number} ) except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): log.warning("Could not write camera cache file.") # set it hdr["FRAMENUM"] = self._fitsheadermixin_frame_number
[docs] def format_filename(self, image: Union[Image, fits.PrimaryHDU]) -> Optional[str]: """Format filename according to given pattern and store in header of image. Args: image: Image with header to add to. """ # no pattern? if self._fitsheadermixin_filename_pattern is None: return None # create a temporary filename filename = format_filename(image.header, self._fitsheadermixin_filename_pattern) if filename is None: return None # set it image.header["ORIGNAME"] = (os.path.basename(filename), "The original file name") image.header["FNAME"] = (os.path.basename(filename), "FITS file file name") return filename
class ImageFitsHeaderMixin(FitsHeaderMixin): """Helper methods for all modules that need FITS headers for an image.""" __module__ = "pyobs.mixins" def __init__(self, centre: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, rotation: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: Any): """Initialise the mixin. Args: fits_namespaces: List of namespaces for FITS headers that this camera should request. fits_headers: Additional FITS headers. centre: (x, y) tuple of camera centre. rotation: Rotation east of north. filename: Filename pattern for FITS images. """ FitsHeaderMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) # store self._fitsheadermixin_centre = centre self._fitsheadermixin_rotation = rotation @property def rotation(self) -> Optional[float]: return self._fitsheadermixin_rotation @property def centre(self) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]: return self._fitsheadermixin_centre
[docs] def _fitsheadermixin_add_fits_headers(self, image: Union[Image, fits.PrimaryHDU]) -> None: """Add FITS header keywords to the given FITS header. Args: image: Image with header to add to. """ # parent method FitsHeaderMixin._fitsheadermixin_add_fits_headers(self, image) # get header hdr = image.header # convenience function to return value of keyword def v(k: str) -> Any: return hdr[k][0] if isinstance(k, list) or isinstance(k, tuple) else hdr[k] # set CRVAL1/2 from RA/Dec if "TEL-RA" in hdr and "TEL-DEC" in hdr: hdr["CRVAL1"] = hdr["TEL-RA"] hdr["CRVAL2"] = hdr["TEL-DEC"] # pixel size in world coordinates if "DET-PIXL" in hdr and "TEL-FOCL" in hdr and "DET-BIN1" in hdr and "DET-BIN2" in hdr: # calculate plate scale for 1x1 binning tmp = 360.0 / (2.0 * math.pi) * v("DET-PIXL") / v("TEL-FOCL") # any focal reduction factor? if "FOCL-RED" in hdr: tmp /= hdr["FOCL-RED"] # set WCS hdr["CDELT1"] = (-tmp * v("DET-BIN1"), "Coordinate increment on x-axis [deg/px]") hdr["CDELT2"] = (+tmp * v("DET-BIN2"), "Coordinate increment on y-axis [deg/px]") hdr["CUNIT1"] = ("deg", "Units of CRVAL1, CDELT1") hdr["CUNIT2"] = ("deg", "Units of CRVAL2, CDELT2") hdr["WCSAXES"] = (2, "Number of WCS axes") else: log.warning("Could not calculate CDELT1/CDELT2 (DET-PIXL/TEL-FOCL/DET-BIN1/DET-BIN2 missing).") # centre pixel if self._fitsheadermixin_centre is not None: hdr["DET-CPX1"] = (self._fitsheadermixin_centre[0], "x-pixel on mechanical axis in unbinned image") hdr["DET-CPX2"] = (self._fitsheadermixin_centre[1], "y-pixel on mechanical axis in unbinned image") else: log.warning("Could not calculate DET-CPX1/DET-CPX2 (centre not given in config).") # reference pixel in binned image if "DET-CPX1" in hdr and "DET-BIN1" in hdr and "DET-CPX2" in hdr and "DET-BIN2" in hdr: # offset? off_x, off_y = 0, 0 if "XORGSUBF" in hdr and "YORGSUBF" in hdr: off_x = v("XORGSUBF") if "XORGSUBF" in hdr else 0.0 off_y = v("YORGSUBF") if "YORGSUBF" in hdr else 0.0 hdr["CRPIX1"] = ((v("DET-CPX1") - off_x) / v("DET-BIN1"), "Reference x-pixel position in binned image") hdr["CRPIX2"] = ((v("DET-CPX2") - off_y) / v("DET-BIN2"), "Reference y-pixel position in binned image") else: log.warning( "Could not calculate CRPIX1/CRPIX2 " "(XORGSUBF/YORGSUBF/DET-CPX1/TEL-CPX2/DET-BIN1/DET-BIN2) missing." ) # only add all this stuff for OBJECT images if "IMAGETYP" not in hdr or hdr["IMAGETYP"] not in ["dark", "bias"]: # projection, only override if not already set if "CTYPE1" not in hdr: hdr["CTYPE1"] = ("RA---TAN", "RA in tangent plane projection") if "CTYPE2" not in hdr: hdr["CTYPE2"] = ("DEC--TAN", "Dec in tangent plane projection") # PC matrix: rotation only, shift comes from CDELT1/2 if self._fitsheadermixin_rotation is not None: # position angle is set rotation + DEROTOFF if defined posang = self._fitsheadermixin_rotation if "DEROTOFF" in hdr: posang += hdr["DEROTOFF"] # write position angle hdr["POSANG"] = (posang, "Position angle [deg e of n]") theta_rad = math.radians(posang) cos_theta = math.cos(theta_rad) sin_theta = math.sin(theta_rad) hdr["PC1_1"] = (+cos_theta, "Partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. x") hdr["PC1_2"] = (-sin_theta, "Partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. y") hdr["PC2_1"] = (+sin_theta, "Partial of second axis coordinate w.r.t. x") hdr["PC2_2"] = (+cos_theta, "Partial of second axis coordinate w.r.t. y") else: log.warning("Could not calculate CD matrix (rotation or CDELT1/CDELT2 missing.")
class SpectrumFitsHeaderMixin(FitsHeaderMixin): """Helper methods for all modules that need FITS headers for an image.""" __module__ = "pyobs.mixins" pass __all__ = ["FitsHeaderMixin", "ImageFitsHeaderMixin", "SpectrumFitsHeaderMixin"]