Source code for pyobs.modules.telescope.basetelescope

import asyncio
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Any, Tuple, Union, List, Optional

from astroplan import Observer
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, ICRS, AltAz, EarthLocation
import astropy.units as u
import logging

from import MoveRaDecEvent, MoveAltAzEvent
from pyobs.interfaces import ITelescope, IFitsHeaderBefore
from pyobs.modules import Module
from pyobs.mixins import MotionStatusMixin, WeatherAwareMixin, WaitForMotionMixin
from pyobs.modules import timeout
from pyobs.utils.enums import MotionStatus
from pyobs.utils.threads import LockWithAbort
from pyobs.utils.time import Time
from pyobs.utils import exceptions as exc

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BaseTelescope(
    WeatherAwareMixin, MotionStatusMixin, WaitForMotionMixin, ITelescope, IFitsHeaderBefore, Module, metaclass=ABCMeta
    """Base class for telescopes."""

    __module__ = "pyobs.modules.telescope"

    def __init__(
        fits_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        min_altitude: float = 10,
        wait_for_dome: Optional[str] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
        """Initialize a new base telescope.

            fits_headers: Additional FITS headers to send.
            min_altitude: Minimal altitude for telescope.
            wait_for_dome: Name of dome module to wait for.
        Module.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        # store
        self._fits_headers = fits_headers if fits_headers is not None else {}
        self._min_altitude = min_altitude

        # some multi-threading stuff
        self._lock_moving = asyncio.Lock()
        self._abort_move = asyncio.Event()

        # celestial status
        self._celestial_headers: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        # add thread func
        self.add_background_task(self._celestial, True)

        # init mixins
        WeatherAwareMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        MotionStatusMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs)
            wait_for_modules=None if wait_for_dome is None else [wait_for_dome],
            wait_for_states=[MotionStatus.POSITIONED, MotionStatus.TRACKING],

        # register exception
        exc.register_exception(exc.MotionError, 3, timespan=600, callback=self._default_remote_error_callback)

[docs] async def open(self) -> None: """Open module.""" await # open mixins await await
@abstractmethod async def _move_radec(self, ra: float, dec: float, abort_event: asyncio.Event) -> None: """Actually starts tracking on given coordinates. Must be implemented by derived classes. Args: ra: RA in deg to track. dec: Dec in deg to track. abort_event: Event that gets triggered when movement should be aborted. Raises: MoveError: If telescope cannot be moved. """ ...
[docs] @timeout(1200) async def move_radec(self, ra: float, dec: float, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Starts tracking on given coordinates. Args: ra: RA in deg to track. dec: Dec in deg to track. Raises: MoveError: If telescope cannot be moved. """ # do nothing, if initializing, parking or parked if await self.get_motion_status() in [MotionStatus.INITIALIZING, MotionStatus.PARKING, MotionStatus.PARKED]: return # check observer if is None: raise ValueError("No observer given.") # to alt/az ra_dec = SkyCoord(ra * u.deg, dec * u.deg, frame=ICRS) alt_az =, ra_dec) # check altitude if < self._min_altitude: raise ValueError("Destination altitude below limit.") # acquire lock async with LockWithAbort(self._lock_moving, self._abort_move): # log and event await self._change_motion_status(MotionStatus.SLEWING) "Moving telescope to RA=%s (%.5f°), Dec=%s (%.5f°)...", ra_dec.ra.to_string(sep=":", unit=u.hour, pad=True), ra, ra_dec.dec.to_string(sep=":", unit=u.deg, pad=True), dec, ) await self.comm.send_event(MoveRaDecEvent(ra=ra, dec=dec)) # track telescope await self._move_radec(ra, dec, abort_event=self._abort_move)"Reached destination") # move dome, if exists await self._wait_for_motion(self._abort_move) # finish slewing await self._change_motion_status(MotionStatus.TRACKING) # update headers now asyncio.create_task(self._update_celestial_headers())"Finished moving telescope.")
@abstractmethod async def _move_altaz(self, alt: float, az: float, abort_event: asyncio.Event) -> None: """Actually moves to given coordinates. Must be implemented by derived classes. Args: alt: Alt in deg to move to. az: Az in deg to move to. abort_event: Event that gets triggered when movement should be aborted. Raises: MoveError: If telescope cannot be moved. """ ...
[docs] @timeout(1200) async def move_altaz(self, alt: float, az: float, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Moves to given coordinates. Args: alt: Alt in deg to move to. az: Az in deg to move to. Raises: MoveError: If telescope cannot be moved. """ # do nothing, if initializing, parking or parked if await self.get_motion_status() in [MotionStatus.INITIALIZING, MotionStatus.PARKING, MotionStatus.PARKED]: return # check altitude if alt < self._min_altitude: raise ValueError("Destination altitude below limit.") # acquire lock async with LockWithAbort(self._lock_moving, self._abort_move): # log and event"Moving telescope to Alt=%.2f°, Az=%.2f°...", alt, az) await self.comm.send_event(MoveAltAzEvent(alt=alt, az=az)) await self._change_motion_status(MotionStatus.SLEWING) # move telescope await self._move_altaz(alt, az, abort_event=self._abort_move)"Reached destination") # move dome, if exists await self._wait_for_motion(self._abort_move) # finish slewing await self._change_motion_status(MotionStatus.POSITIONED) # update headers now asyncio.create_task(self._update_celestial_headers())"Finished moving telescope.")
[docs] async def get_fits_header_before( self, namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Any, str]]: """Returns FITS header for the current status of this module. Args: namespaces: If given, only return FITS headers for the given namespaces. Returns: Dictionary containing FITS headers. """ # define base header hdr: Dict[str, Union[Any, Tuple[Any, str]]] = {} # positions try: ra, dec = await self.get_radec() coords_ra_dec = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg, frame=ICRS) alt, az = await self.get_altaz() coords_alt_az = SkyCoord(alt=alt * u.deg, az=az * u.deg, frame=AltAz) except Exception as e: log.warning("Could not fetch telescope position: %s", e) coords_ra_dec, coords_alt_az = None, None # set coordinate headers if coords_ra_dec is not None: hdr["TEL-RA"] = (float(, "Right ascension of telescope [degrees]") hdr["TEL-DEC"] = (float(, "Declination of telescope [degrees]") if coords_alt_az is not None: hdr["TEL-ALT"] = (float(, "Telescope altitude [degrees]") hdr["TEL-AZ"] = (float(, "Telescope azimuth [degrees]") hdr["TEL-ZD"] = (90.0 - hdr["TEL-ALT"][0], "Telescope zenith distance [degrees]") hdr["AIRMASS"] = (float(coords_alt_az.secz.value), "Airmass of observation start") # convert to sexagesimal if coords_ra_dec is not None: hdr["RA"] = (str(coords_ra_dec.ra.to_string(sep=":", unit=u.hour, pad=True)), "Right ascension of object") hdr["DEC"] = (str(coords_ra_dec.dec.to_string(sep=":", unit=u.deg, pad=True)), "Declination of object") # site location if is not None: hdr["LATITUDE"] = (float(, "Latitude of telescope [deg N]") hdr["LONGITUD"] = (float(, "Longitude of telescope [deg E]") hdr["HEIGHT"] = (float(, "Altitude of telescope [m]") # add static fits headers for key, value in self._fits_headers.items(): hdr[key] = tuple(value) # add celestial headers for key, value in self._celestial_headers.items(): hdr[key] = tuple(value) # finish return hdr
async def _celestial(self) -> None: """Thread for continuously calculating positions and distances to celestial objects like moon and sun.""" # wait a little await asyncio.sleep(10) # run until closing while True: # update headers await self._update_celestial_headers() # sleep a little await asyncio.sleep(30) async def _update_celestial_headers(self) -> None: """Calculate positions and distances to celestial objects like moon and sun.""" # get now now = alt: Optional[float] az: Optional[float] # no observer? if is None: return # get telescope alt/az try: alt, az = await self.get_altaz() tel_altaz = SkyCoord(alt=alt * u.deg, az=az * u.deg, frame="altaz") except: alt, az, tel_altaz = None, None, None # get current moon and sun information moon_altaz = moon_frac = sun_altaz = # calculate distance to telescope moon_dist = tel_altaz.separation(moon_altaz) if tel_altaz is not None else None sun_dist = tel_altaz.separation(sun_altaz) if tel_altaz is not None else None # store it self._celestial_headers = { "MOONALT": (float(, "Lunar altitude"), "MOONFRAC": (float(moon_frac), "Fraction of the moon illuminated"), "MOONDIST": (None if moon_dist is None else float(, "Lunar distance from target"), "SUNALT": (float(, "Solar altitude"), "SUNDIST": (None if sun_dist is None else float(, "Solar Distance from Target"), } def _calculate_derotator_position(self, ra: float, dec: float, alt: float, obstime: Time) -> float: target = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg, frame="gcrs") parallactic =, target=target).deg return float(parallactic - alt) __all__ = ["BaseTelescope"]